So.. last time, we married an Island elemental, just like I had planned, and upgraded the house with the proceeds. This time.. I plan to get the family started.
Amaranthe goes off to work, while Hawea get started on his work duties (tutoring).
After finishing that, I am at a loss of what else to do with him, so I figure he's going to need some logic for his work... (or I think that's what he'll need?)... so I buy him a chess set and let him get started on that.
Amaranthe comes home from work and makes some salad for dinner for the two of them, paints a little..... then ...
Try for Baby time!! *crossing fingers*
Success! Let's hope it's not twins.
Breakfast. I guess Hawea is into salads? That night, we hold the featured image's Kava party - and I only get a Silver. Sigh... These Kava parties will be the death of me. It also leads to the next picture...
... Hawea's first major household chore. Hey, someone has to be in charge of handiness!
We take them to the hospital for the big event...
.. And, predictably, Hawea freaks out while she's in the machine. I can't really blame him, because it looks horrifying.
Our first born is a boy... but we'll see about the heir thing. Nowhere in the rules do I see it saying the first born has to be the heir. However, we go with the color theme for gen 2 for naming.
That night.. I try again.. and finally get a gold Kava party, although Amaranthe has to bow out in the middle of it to take care of the baby.
With that part of her aspiration done, the next day we get to beach hunting for seashells.
.. And grilling. This is going to take a while.
Poor Hawea is trying to take care of the baby as much as possible as well as working towards promotions as much as possible... and he's paying the price.
We, however, do have another nooboo on the way. *wink* I did say I was going to work on the family!
A busy Winterfest, with Amaranthe doing housework, and Hawea working on his Research and Debate skill - which is apparently the skill needed for Education. Joy.
Cyan grows up.. and he's SO cute! But then, I say that about all toddlers.
Clingy. Goodie.
He does NOT look happy to be getting potty trained. LOL. Do you see that glare?!
He does look appropriately shocked when his mother taps out early for the night. Although, I think he's actually playing with his grilled cheese, splattering it everywhere. Because that's what toddlers DO!! (I have a toddler and a toddler to be as a niece and nephew. I know these things.. lol)
Hawea tries to put Cyan to bed.. and poor tyke doesn't quite make it. Although, actually, he does... he just then gets out of bed so he can pass out. WTG sims. Thank goodness this isn't an ISBI.
Amaranthe looks confused about her hubby bringing a book to the delivery room. I kinda of agree with her. It's pretty silly... because he then puts it down on the counter and then and ONLY then does he do the father panicking thing.
Second baby is a little girl, who I name Oceana.
I just love little Cyan's facial expressions. He has the biggest eyes!
New year's .. and both make resolutions for promotions.. and then watch some TV together.
The midnight fireworks signal bedtime for everyone (although, thankfully, the toddler was already in bed before the TV watching.)
Hawea is - once again - in charge of baby care to get his parenting skill up for his Super Parent aspiration, while Amaranthe works on her own aspiration.
.. And with this picture.. that's a finished aspiration for Amaranthe! .. Wonder if I should pick her a new one?
Hawea scolds Cyan for making a mess that I told him to make so he can get closer to his aspiration.. and I feel a little mean for doing it that way.
.. Oceana ages up adorable, and the dreaded hospital gown bug strikes poor Amaranthe. Every time she goes outside, she spins into the gown. It's kinda annoying.
.. But at least Oceana got Charmer. Could have been a lot worse!
With that, I figure I'm at a good stopping spot.. so we'll see you next time! Oh yeah, I have also remembered to deduct 2000 simoleons from their bank to "pay" for the kids as per the rules. I just forgot to mention it until now.
Lol, if only we could all nap on a floaty to complete an aspiration! Love these guys thus far!
Totally agreed. She looked so comfy there. In fact, she was so comfy, she nearly missed work!