Bundles From Sixam - Chapter 2

February 12, 2020

Chapter 1 | Chapter 3

Kids Count:
0 Young Adult (moved out)
0 Teenager
4 Child
0 Toddlers
2 Babies

One thing I forgot to do in my first post, is show you guys the towns I spent so much time on. My sims will only be able to travel to these two worlds when out of disguise, and most of the venues they'll be using are in these two areas. The houses in oasis springs are built by anchesenamon, who did a whole alien themed neighborhood there, and I took the houses and ran with the theme for the Newcrest neighborhood. A couple of the Newcrest homes/ venues are built by me, or at the very least, edited to be what I needed. One build in particular I spent a lot of time on is the pool venue in the far left of the map.

Anyway, that being said... off we go. I load in to babies already, even though I think I had saved when Malakai was still pregnant. Remind me not to save on a pregnant sim again. Or, at least, I don't remember the babies being born.... although they're both named with "C" names, so maybe I did name them. I just don't have pictures from it.

We'll introduce Carson and Cora just the same. Carson is our first possibility for an heir, which is nice. Although I doubt he'll be the one to take over - we have lots of babies still to go.

Malakai tries taking a break to get some "fun" in - by watching the Cooking channel - but it doesn't last long. At this point, his fun is almost always in the red. Poor guy. I feel bad for him.

It's here that I notice two things. One - our plants are alive again. I think I replanted them? Or maybe it was miraculous spontaneous regeneration? And Two - somehow this room doesn't register as being "outside" because the "roof" - the floor above - doesn't cover all the tiles. So he's freaking out about the lightning storm while being "inside". I fix that.

Ariel having breakfast.

And this is Allie, Brielle, and Bridget gathering around the TV. At least one of them is doing something productive.

Homework party!

It's here that I realize that Brielle (this one) and her twin, Bridget, look very much alike. (Oh and yeah, it's definitely Monday. Project day.)

Aww.. Malakai loves all his kids.

Ariel again, this time doing her weekly project.

Allie with her precious hat, having breakfast.

Carson aged up into the Silly trait.

Cora aged into the Angelic. Also, she's the tubby one.


Dance-off! Carson's the one on the left.

Working on Cora's thinking skill.

Carson playing with the modern dollhouse. I love all of the dollhouse interactions. So cute.

Yep, it's that time again. We have an extra spot in the household.. so we might as well try to fill it.

All the kids get along so well, it's really cool. I never have to worry about their social need.

Breakfast! (And Stinky toddlers...)

Malakai, that's really not helpful ... you're splashing it EVERYWHERE.

Proof: I do bathe the toddlers. They just get stinky again SO fast!

Aha!! I caught it this time. Glowy tummy means we have another nooboo incoming!

With all four of the kids having A's, it's time to start aging them up. Apparently, if I'd been watching closer, I would have already aged them up... but, I was a bad watcher, and didn't notice.

I messed up and accidentally rolled for an adult job, because teens can't do the dive job, so I just gave her a lifeguard one.

So pretty!

And now it's Allie's turn. While Ariel does her homework, of course.

Interesting trait mix.. it should be fun to see what she gets when she gets past teen.

I have both girls get their lifeguard jobs, then send them off to start working on skills.

I buy a workout machine... they need fitness for their job, and couldn't hurt them to lose some weight, either. I clearly need to start making salads for my sims.

Off for a jog... gotta get those skill points!

Carson: "Daddy? What's wrong?"

Malakai: "Curse the Watcher, I am having weird tummy aches AGAIN."

I wait until the next day to age up the teens.. and wouldn't you know it, someone stole some of the cake, so I have to make an entire new one. So here's Brielle, finally getting her cake.

I missed the screenshot for some reason, but that's what she rolled. (And .. sorry, love, but you will have to deal without being a vampire. LOL)

She's absolutely stunning, though.

Bridget's turn!

Oh, finally. some nice traits. And with painting as her aspiration, maybe she'll be able to get us some simoleons. Since Malakai NEVER has time to write!

I immediately buy her an easel and put her to work.

One filthy toddler.. being helped by big sis..

.. While the other one eats. And complains about lack of bath. Sigh. I am really not handling toddler skills well this time, or they would already be kids!

See, Malakai? Pregnancy isn't forever. It just feels like it.

Another baby girl! Welcome, Dana.

AWW. Such a cute family. They may be very hard to play with all the kids.. but they really are adorable together. Any way, see you next time!

Chapter 1 | Chapter 3


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March 3, 2020 2:32 AM

Poor Malakai! And poor you, I'm not sure if I could ever attempt this challenge because of how stressful it seems! How do you continually get him abducted, btw? Mine never seem to be!

March 3, 2020 3:17 AM
Reply to  Bridget

there's a cheat to get abducted instantly. with the ease of finding new dads for a regular 100 baby challenge, I figured I was justified in using the cheat. it's
"stats.set_stat commodity_AlienAbduction_Cooldown 0"
"interactions.push AlienAbduction_BeAbducted"
exactly as typed. pretty sure you have to have testingcheats on before hand, but i'm not 100% sure. Even if he gets abducted, there's always a chance he won't be pregnant, so there's still that weirdness to deal with.

March 3, 2020 3:38 AM
Reply to  illusorythrall

Oh that's handy! Thanks for answering 🤗

March 3, 2020 4:49 AM
Reply to  Bridget

No problem!

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I am a 45 year old American wife, mother, and gamer. I’ve lived in the Midwest most of my life, and enjoy it for the changing seasons. My favorite movie is Labyrinth, my favorite game is Sims 4, and I have tattoos related to both. My favorite colors are purple, red, and green. When I’m not playing games (which is rare) I also enjoy reading and crafting. I’m also an animal lover, and have had many types of pets over the years. Currently, I have a dog named Cassie who is a Jack Russel / Beagle mix and three young fancy rats (all of whom are rescues). I run this Sims 4 Blog where I post screenshots and stories about the different challenges I play. Also here are the Sims 4 challenges I've written, and a place for me to store all the Sims 4 knowledge I've gotten over the years. I am also a Sims 4/variety streamer on Twitch for my mental health, fun, and to meet new people. I have also recently been accepted to the EA Creator Network, which is a dream come true! I look forward to meeting you!
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