Since the last post got too long, I decided to split it into two. So here's part two...
We start with Tyson deciding bear form is far superior to human. And I really ought to hide those paints the kids keep finding. LOL.
... Maybe the bookshelf was a bad idea. Now there are books all over the house!
Another food-bringing party. The neighbors in Sulani are so nice!
Jesse's "life was ending" so... time for another potion.
We bank another one to replace it.
I find out that the bookshelf being next to the computer is a bad idea. It keeps distracting him, so I move it to by the TV.
Meanwhile, Jesse gets some more fame points.
Really, Jax? ... Sigh. Our first fail this session. -5
Jesse needs a kid to max a skill for his aspiration, so we start "forcing" Coty (who's the closest to level 10) to play with the dollhouse with dear ol' dad.
It's Love Day. So we get some more satisfaction points by wooing Fetia all over again. Then write a Romance book about it. Because - why not?
Then.. I decide since we have the money, I might as well add a room for Jaxson, since he's a teenager now. Here's pictures of the remodel:
It's basic as heck right now.. but he's got a new bed and a loft to himself. And if you look closely, you can see I bought them a new TV, too.
The kids come home from school...
And I have +10 points. Unhappy kids, but that's ok. They'll live.
Fetia decides to chat Jesse up while they're playing dolls.
... And.. Success! I also check the kids' aspirations, and it turns out Coty only needs two more chess games.. so I get him those before putting him to bed. Somehow, I forgot to take a picture of it, though.
So this picture of his satisfaction points will have to do.
... I got tired of the toilet breaking. So I bought the unbreakable one. And upgraded the sink. Then, of course, Jesse had to upgrade them with auto-clean.
Jesse now needs a kid to have an "A" in high school. But Jax doesn't have the skills for it. So we torture him with chess for a couple days over the weekend. (LOL @ Jax's bedtime shades.)
There. Now he can get an "A". We just have to wait for Monday.
Sure, kid. Hug your twin brother. In the mess. As you do.
Coty's turn for the bear suit. So funny!
It's rebate day.. so I buy them (read: Jesse) a new computer.
And he puts it to good use right away.
... With his final writing skill point.
Monday after school, Jax comes home mortified, to my terror. I quickly send Jesse over to have him "work out his problems" by redirecting them. Hopefully that'll get rid of the Mortified mood. Because that's terrifying.
However, I did get the "A" Jesse needed for his aspiration!
Yeah, Jaxson, work off those pounds.. and the mood. Please. (Spoiler: he survives. Doesn't lose any weight. But he survives.)
I have Jesse "immortalize" himself a second way. And he's sick when we get the picture, which makes it all the funnier. He also wrote a biography, which probably counted for those +5 points, too... but I wasn't going to assume that was enough.
Plus, I wanted something to hang on the wall for posterity.
.. Forgot to snap a picture before he finished blowing out the candles. And I about DIED laughing at the Master Vampire thing. SO not going to happen, Coty.
And he kept his hair color!!
Tyson's turn. Note the filthy sink behind them. Clearly, I forgot to autoclean upgrade that one.
Well, that's.. interesting.
And.. here we go with the hair color thing again. Oh well, he's cute, at least.
We have Coty use his one teen action to get the job he rolled for.
.. Haha. Poor kid.
And here's where I leave you. Just for grins and giggles (yeah, I know that's not how that line goes.. LOL), I post how far Jesse's gotten in his aspiration points:
(I only have room for the four potions on the wall!!) ... and his job:
What a FUN play session!
Final tallies: rosebud says we're at 65k earned. woohoo! Not enough for points, but still they're not hurting for money anymore. And Jesse completed several milestones. ... Counting them up, he's got 7 new ones. The first one for Fabulously Wealthy, the second two for Super Parent and Successful Lineage, the second one for Big Happy Family, and the third for Writing. Which is +70 points. Here's the points tallies.. we're at 225 points, which is amazing! (despite the one fail we had... grumbles..)
Total Points: 225 Self Wetting: -5 Pass Out: -85 Failing School: 0 Negative Traits Earned by NTHs: 0 Accidental Deaths: 0 Fires: 0 Social Worker Visit: 0 Single Birth: +5 Twins: +10 Triplets: 0 Any sim in the household completing Any Aspiration Milestones (Child and Adult): +200 Any sim in the household completing Aspirations (Child and Adult): +10 Toddler Skills maxed by NTH toddlers: +40 Skills (Child and Adult) maxed by NTH family members: +10 NTH children (Child and Teen) earning an A in school: +20 Positive Traits Earned by NTHs: +0 Happy Toddler Trait Earned: +15 Top-Notch Toddler Trait Earned: 0 NTH sims reaching the top of a career (Teen and YA/A/E): 0 Randomizing every trait and aspiration for an entire generation: 0 Not using spares' Satisfaction Reward points for an entire generation: 0 Every 100,000 simoleons earned: 0 Immortalizing the Torch-Holder: +5