Founders: William Barde and Sue D. Nym. William is from Get Together: "As seen in The Sims 4 Get Together: Come To Windenburg Official Trailer – download this into your game and play today! #GetTogether #ComeToWindenburg #Windenburg #ExpansionPack". Sue is from the Freelancers household: "Celebrate the new Freelancer career with the Sims seen in the career''s screenshots, including Sue D. Nym - the eponymous writer of the April ''19 patch notes! #MaxisCreates #TheFreelancers #Freelancer #Career #Writer #Artist #Programmer #SueDNym #MarquisePalumbo #KaileeBarClay".
Age: Young Adult (22 days)
Traits: Creative Perfectionist, Music Lover
Aspiration: Musical Genius
Career: Currently Unemployed
Age: Young Adult (22 days)
Traits: Cheerful, Ambitious, Neat
Aspiration: Bestselling Author
Career: Currently Unemployed
Sue will become a freelance writer, William will go into the entertainment career.