Founders: Adalynn Lovett and Lenny Aguilar. Adalyn is from "the Ascenders" household from Fitness Stuff: "As seen in The Sims 4 Fitness Stuff Pack official screenshots and trailers. Download now and get fit in style! #fitness #fitnessstuff #stuffpack". Lenny is from the "Rockin' Rollers" household from Bowling Night Stuff: "As seen in The Sims 4 Bowling Night Stuff Pack official screenshots and trailers. Download now to take these Sims to the lanes for an evening of fun! #bowlingnight #bowlingnightstuff #stuffpack".
Age: ?
Traits: ?
Aspiration: ?
Career: Currently ?
Age: ?
Traits: ?
Aspiration: ?
Career: ?
This couple was apparently introduced incorrectly. Hence the question marks.