Since I forgot to put the points earned on the last post, I'll note for posterity that I'm currently at +5 points, for the single birth. I completely forgot to count the milestones that Jesse has gotten to, so I will count them up at the end of this play session's posts (I played two updates worth). I will note when I'm counting them up in the next post. Oh, and the title pic is a duplicate picture.. just to show you what I dealt with this whole update. A preview of coming attractions, if you will.
Anyway. Here we go!
We start out with a sweet moment between Jesse and Fetia. I do most of their dates at home so I don't have to leave the munchkin with a sitter.
And.. since we need two kids for an ISBI.. we try for baby again.
Success! Jesse is, apparently, too busy to care.
.. Or maybe just too tired. -5
Banked another potion!
The toilet wasn't broken... so why the accident, Fetia? Thanks for the -5.
Clean toddler! Jaxson is just so cute, I can't get over it.
See? NOW the toilet is broken. And no accidents.
Another food-bringing party.
Baby time!
Ohhh... no. *facepalm* .. REALLY!?!?! Twins! +10! Meet Coty and Tyson (both boys).. and no, I don't know which one is which.
Painting an emotional painting while waiting for a performer to review for a work at home task in the art district.
Banked another one! (Also, I apparently had to have him drink one and didn't take a picture.)
... -5 thanks to the twins.
Jaxson.. where are you going, son?
Working on some good books for the aspiration.
Awww... look they're all sleeping together. -5.
-5 .... and here's where I decided that the twins absolutely could not be in the same room as poor Jaxson while he's trying to sleep.
.. So we spend what little money we have on a new room.
Fetia.. why are you eating spoiled food and smiling about it? Just.. eww.
This one's Coty. He rolls Charmer..
And this one's Tyson. .. Who also rolls Charmer. Could be worse.
.. And that's dad, down for the count again. -5.
Poor Jax. At least he's not sleeping in the mess. -5 again.
... I'm really having trouble here. I should have planned the pregnancy better! Three toddlers at once is.. well.. as much of a nightmare as you'd think.
I was just about to take a picture because all of them were sleeping at once. I spoke slightly too soon. Sigh.
Tyson gazing curiously at dear old Dad. Wondering if this means he'll get a bath when Jesse wakes up.
Spoiler: he does. Eventually.
And.. this is as good a stopping spot as any!
Total Points: -35 Self Wetting: -5 Pass Out: -40 Failing School: 0 Negative Traits Earned by NTHs: 0 Accidental Deaths: 0 Fires: 0 Social Worker Visit: 0 Single Birth: +5 Twins: +10 Triplets: 0 Any sim in the household completing Any Aspiration Milestones (Child and Adult): 0 Any sim in the household completing Aspirations (Child and Adult): 0 Toddler Skills maxed by NTH toddlers: 0 Skills (Child and Adult) maxed by NTH family members: 0 NTH children (Child and Teen) earning an A in school: 0 Positive Traits Earned by NTHs: 0 Happy Toddler Trait Earned: 0 Top-Notch Toddler Trait Earned: 0 NTH sims reaching the top of a career (Teen and YA/A/E): 0 Randomizing every trait and aspiration for an entire generation: 0 Not using spares' Satisfaction Reward points for an entire generation: 0 Every 100,000 simoleons earned: 0 Immortalizing the Torch-Holder: 0