Ramblers House 009 Chapter 7

August 2, 2019

House 009 Chapter 6 < | > House 010 Chapter 1

Checking on our goals:

House 009 Building Goals:
Build a disguised underground lair with no ground floor walls
(I think I can consider this complete)
House 009 Generational Goals:
Level 10 Diamond Agent branch of the Secret Agent career on The Drifter
Level 11 of the Villain branch of the Secret Agent Career on The Secondary Sim
At Level 4 Field Agent, add a Gym to Burners and Builders in Oasis Springs
Raise the heir to Young Adult age (must take Vegetarian trait)

Welcome back! I play most of this on speed three... because the only things left are career promotions, skilling, and watching the kids grow. So not many pics were taken over the three weeks of sim time, and I'm going to squash it all into one post. That being said, this was a hairy ride here at the end. I BARELY made it, as you'll see. I thought it was going to be my first house fail. And I was NOT looking forward to re-doing it!

Also, when I loaded this up... I realized I never rolled for lot traits. >,< ... oops. So here they are.

And now.. here's how the end went down...

To help with Karson's athletic skill, we take all but the toddler to the Gym. Eva and Cassidy enjoy swimming together in the pool.

... While Karson works his tail-end off up here.

Cassidy.. how dare you!

Um.. Eva.. Brynlee's looking upset. Maybe you should put her down??

Jack comes back to haunt fairly regularly. Luckily the worst he does is startle people and eat the alive-dogs' food.

Hazley turns elder while her son, Cole, looks on.

And Karson ages up to elder. Seems very early. And I only got him to level 7 (almost 8) fitness for his aspiration.. now what.. I also realize he's only on level 8 of his career, and needs to get to level 11!!! So he NEEDS to finish that physical aspiration to have even a chance to live long enough to finish his career. And not much of a chance. All those times I forgot to put him on "hard work" really hurt me in the long run.

Eva's sisters start dying, one by one. So she's perpetually sad for a while.

Good dog, Cole!

I'm not sure who's having more fun with this play session, but it looks like it's Karson... not the toddler.

Hazley ends up being sick. So off to the vet again.

Brynlee looks very confused about what her mother's doing. I am, too....

What's this mean?

One goal done!! Eva's at max career now.

Cole runs away. Spoiler: he comes back.

Just in time to be an elder doggie.

It's that time!

Rolled randomly. Per the rules, I'll take the vegetarian trait at the YA birthday.

Oh, and Karson is in his swimsuit because I sent him to Sulani beaches to swim his rear end off. With moodlet solvers to get rid of the pulled muscles along the way, he got to level ten fitness.. (over the course of 2-3 days) and therefore long life. It's the most I can do for him. He's also got all his skills completed for all the promotions.. and he does his daily task every day. But I'm still afraid he won't make it.

Yes, Eva, your eldest is a teenager. Don't know what she's actually bugging out about.. but that seems a likely thing to be worried about.. 🙂

Everyone is at work/school when Hazley crosses the Rainbow Bridge. Even Cole misses it because he was sleeping.

Our little graveyard.

Cole's turn at the vet.

I pushed her too hard on getting skills for an "A".... poor Cassidy. Brynlee seems to be reveling in his discomfort, even though I know she's not an evil sim.

Hey, guys... look who's still around!?!!  HAHAHA!

Yeah! Go, Cole!

Eva.. that was supposed to be your birthday cake. *takes cake away* Bad sim.

... And that's the second attempt. Now Eva's looking annoyed. But she didn't try to eat it this time....

... Cassidy did. *takes cake away*. AGAIN.

Oh, yeah, friendly reminder today is also harvestfest. Karson goes to work anyway because he needs those promotions.

I figured maybe it was the white cake jynxing me. So I baked a chocolate cake. Success.

The maid looks inordinately happy about Eva's birthday. It's not like they EVER talk.... and: Spoiler: that maid gets stuck in "celebrate" mode.. and has to eventually be reset.

See? Stuck maid.

Cole loves trash, and I hardly ever SEE him in it, so I never get him trained away from it. So he gets a lot of baths.

Family homework party. I tend to take photos when everyone's in one spot, because it happens so rarely.

Like this one. Everyone decided to get leftovers at the same time. ... And then actually all sat down to eat.

We lose our final pupper. 🙁  Although I won't miss cleaning up the hair piles and poo everywhere!!

Karson is very sad.

Winterfest gifts. Brynlee's looking evil in this picture because she decided to prank the gifts with everyone standing around the tree... needless to say, she got embarrassed because she got caught. Obviously!

A Winter cake for a winterfest birthday.

Brynlee's traits and aspiration were rolled randomly. Although they did have to be re rolled once due to rolling a vampire wish. LOL. Just NO.

She looks unimpressed.

And... it's Sunday. Cassidy ages up on Monday (and monday is a day off work for the agents, anyway)... and that checkmark for promotion showed up literally 30 sim-minutes from the end of work. Talk about cutting it close!!

However.. that's all but Cassidy's aging up party.

.. Which is the next day. I let her get her needs up and then cancel her out of going to school to age her up on the ready cake.

Here's what she ended up with trait-wise. Who knows what she'll be doing in the next house.. but hopefully the quick learner trait will help her!

House 009 Building Goals:
Build a disguised underground lair with no ground floor walls
(I think I can consider this complete)
House 009 Generational Goals:
Level 10 Diamond Agent branch of the Secret Agent career on The Drifter
Level 11 of the Villain branch of the Secret Agent Career on The Secondary Sim
At Level 4 Field Agent, add a Gym to Burners and Builders in Oasis Springs
Raise the heir to Young Adult age (must take Vegetarian trait)

House complete!!  ... oh, and.... Just in case you're curious, here's final skills, traits, jobs, and the house/funds.



Final funds:

Final bunker/house value:

And House pics:

(Yep, I know they have mail!) Anyway.. see you in House 10!

House 009 Chapter 6 < | > House 010 Chapter 1


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I am a 45 year old American wife, mother, and gamer. I’ve lived in the Midwest most of my life, and enjoy it for the changing seasons. My favorite movie is Labyrinth, my favorite game is Sims 4, and I have tattoos related to both. My favorite colors are purple, red, and green. When I’m not playing games (which is rare) I also enjoy reading and crafting. I’m also an animal lover, and have had many types of pets over the years. Currently, I have a dog named Cassie who is a Jack Russel / Beagle mix and three young fancy rats (all of whom are rescues). I run this Sims 4 Blog where I post screenshots and stories about the different challenges I play. Also here are the Sims 4 challenges I've written, and a place for me to store all the Sims 4 knowledge I've gotten over the years. I am also a Sims 4/variety streamer on Twitch for my mental health, fun, and to meet new people. I have also recently been accepted to the EA Creator Network, which is a dream come true! I look forward to meeting you!
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