Who's Crazy Now? - Chapter 1.1

July 30, 2019

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The last thing I need is a new challenge. But what did I do? Started one anyway. I made an elder with the new CAS Stories a while ago, and was trying to figure out what to do with him. Eventually, I thought of the old Sims 3 Backwards ISBIs. Basically, you start with a male sim elder and each generation takes over at the next age group down. So the elder has to live long enough for his heir to make it to the adult life stage before taking over. Then, the next takes over as a young adult.. then teen.. all the way down to infant. I don't even know if this is possible on Sims 4.. but I'm the one that is crazy enough to try. So here we go.

Meet Jesse Lockett.

I should have taken a picture of his starting screen with what he got from the story, but I didn't realize I was going to documenting a challenge with him, so I didn't. Lesson learned for next time. Take pictures of everything. LOL!

As you can see from the featured picture, I put him in my new favorite world, Sulani, on a starter house I haven't played before. And, of course, didn't take a picture of it right away.. so it has that annoying build mode white line around it. But such is life. Still a gorgeous pic. Love the moon in the background.

Anyways. I started the game up and dove right into the action. Obviously, getting an heir on the way ASAP was my first priority. Second was getting the aspiration points to start banking some youth potions.

For some reason, I decided I wanted to try for a librarian wife - they're always generated sims and usually have pretty good traits.. so I sent him off to the library.

We try Windenburg first. And struck out. The librarian is a guy. Next!

Willow Creek is also a bust. Another guy librarian... and that lady back there is married. Takes too long to break up a marriage. So we move on. I rack my brain trying to remember if there's any other libraries in the world.. and then I remember..

.. StrangeVille! And here we hit jackpot. Not only is it a Young Adult female, but she's CUTE, too! We find out her two of her traits pretty quick and they're the typical "Neat" and "Bookworm".. and whatever the last one is, we'll deal with it.

For now.. we really need to get the heir on the way. So cloudgazing to raise social is the way to go.

Lilith looks like she approves. I then ask Fetia (that's her name) on a date, and take them to my Sulani restaurant that I plopped into this world.

They seem to be getting along really well. I finish the date as a gold pretty easily.. and decide "Why Not?" on trying to get her to marry us right here and now.

She accepted!! Sometimes sims can be so contrary on that first day.. I think that's the fastest I've ever gotten two sims together. I'm getting better at this.

So I really do have them get married right there.. Clara seems to be thrilled by the whole thing (the sim in the background).. but then again, she might have been cheering over her dinner. Who knows, with sims.

Anyway, Meet Fetia.

Haha. Poor girl wanted to be a Vampire. Luckily we saved her from all that. They appear at home with the date complete.. and I immediately send them to try for baby.

Success! Nooboo incoming.

.. In the meantime, I never did have them eat at the restaurant.. so Jesse makes some dinner. (Also to try to prevent fires from Fetia trying to cook.) Yup, it's just a garden salad. Can't be taking chances on our points. Oh. on another note... per the "preferred" rules for an ISBI - we deleted her funds.. so we're on a shoestring budget here. And Jesse can't even afford a computer for his work task (that's why we wrote a column at Windenburg library back in the first screenshot). He's a Critic, by the way.

The next morning, we start the marathon aspiration-point hunt .. and double that up with trying to catch some fish for money. He doesn't work for a couple days, so we have to make money somehow. Weirdly enough, the fishing spots in Sulani don't seem to count for "fishing in 3 locations" .. so I send him to Willow Creek park to get that done with. He catches a cowplant berry... money! WooT!

Later, (literally, it's 10pm sim time) .. the islanders show up with extra food for us.. which is clearly a win for us, less stuff for Jesse to cook.

Fetia goes into labor.. during the party.. and takes a shower. As you do. #simslogic

Sorry, Fetia, but we can't really afford a bassinet. You'll have to give birth on your own. What a face, though.

Baby time!! +5 points! ... And Jesse sleeps through the whole thing. LOL. You can't see it in this picture, but by this point I've been able to afford a computer and an extra chair.. but not wasting money on a desk.. so the computer's at one end of the dining table.

Jesse has to watch TV for a work at home task.. so I buy them a TV, grumbling the whole time.

Fetia keeps winning the race to the bassinet. By the time Jaxson is a toddler, she's already level four in parenting. She clearly wins the ISBI spouse award for this one. And she cleans house, too!

Another work task.. and luckily there's an easel right there, so I can keep an eye on what's going on.

That first milestone.. buying the first youth potion to stockpile.

Umm.... Thrall/Jesse.. you can't get a suntan when there's no sun out. Try again. (FAIL!)

And Jaxson grows up. He rolled the independent trait. Which is a good one to have in an ISBI. I splurge and buy all the toddler stuff.. and wince at the cost.

Oh, this one is a charmer for sure. Look at that face! And Fetia is still winning at the mom game. She's helping him learn all by herself... while Jesse sleeps.

.. So much for that dollhouse I spent good money on. At some point during this day, Fetia ALMOST has an accident because I didn't notice the toilet was broken.. but I got it fixed just in time. *knock on wood* still haven't lost any points!

And this seemed a good point to end this play session. What a cute picture, too. At the end of this.. Jesse almost has enough points to get another youth potion thanks to my frenzied aspiration jumping and skill-work. This is one of the first times that Jesse has had a "break" since I started this thing.

Anyway. See you next time!

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July 31, 2019 8:20 AM

Go Jesse! Jaxson is so cute.

July 31, 2019 10:24 AM
Reply to  Teresa

I know! I have no idea where he got the red hair from, but I love it!

July 31, 2019 10:27 AM

Love this! Fetia seems a great spouse so far and I love the idea for the 'backwards' challenge! Jaxson looks adorable, so far the challenge seems to be going very successfully! 😬😃

July 31, 2019 10:28 AM
Reply to  susieep

Thanks! It's been a fun one to start! I'll probably get some more play-time in on it today.

August 2, 2019 12:02 AM

I miss doing ISBI challenges and I always loved the backwards ones. Can't wait to see more!

August 2, 2019 12:12 AM
Reply to  dewdropdizzy

Thanks! This should be a fun but tough challenge. I guess I'm playing the guinea pig to see if it'll work at all on Sims 4.

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I am a 45 year old American wife, mother, and gamer. I’ve lived in the Midwest most of my life, and enjoy it for the changing seasons. My favorite movie is Labyrinth, my favorite game is Sims 4, and I have tattoos related to both. My favorite colors are purple, red, and green. When I’m not playing games (which is rare) I also enjoy reading and crafting. I’m also an animal lover, and have had many types of pets over the years. Currently, I have a dog named Cassie who is a Jack Russel / Beagle mix and three young fancy rats (all of whom are rescues). I run this Sims 4 Blog where I post screenshots and stories about the different challenges I play. Also here are the Sims 4 challenges I've written, and a place for me to store all the Sims 4 knowledge I've gotten over the years. I am also a Sims 4/variety streamer on Twitch for my mental health, fun, and to meet new people. I have also recently been accepted to the EA Creator Network, which is a dream come true! I look forward to meeting you!
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