House 009 Chapter 5 < | > House 009 Chapter 7
Checking on our goals:
House 009 Building Goals:Build a disguised underground lair with no ground floor walls(I think I can consider this complete)House 009 Generational Goals: Level 10 Diamond Agent branch of the Secret Agent career on The Drifter Level 11 of the Villain branch of the Secret Agent Career on The Secondary SimAt Level 4 Field Agent, add a Gym to Burners and Builders in Oasis SpringsRaise the heir to Young Adult age (must take Vegetarian trait) (child)
Welcome back!
Bathing a dog in a dirty bathtub. Seems counter-intuitive. After this picture, I make Eva upgrade the plumbing with self-cleaning.
Cassidy.. you do realize that all you're doing is blocking the adults from actually taking CARE of the screaming baby, right??
Fixing that dollhouse that got broke last chapter...
Playing with the dog. Doing something useful.
Looks like learning Mental skill is giving Cassidy a headache. LOL I relate.
Doing his work task, browsing the intelligence database.
She decided randomly to use this.. and got logic 9 all on her own.
It's springfest.. so they're gardening for the holiday I set up. They also go hunting for eggs and cleaning the house. There's always plenty to clean up, even with the maid coming all the time, so that works out.
Chatting up Blarffy. He's always good for the social skill.
Cole watching Cassidy helping out by mopping while Eva finishes up with a sink upgrade. Cassidy seems to clean a lot, strangely enough.
.. And poke at her sister, Brynlee. I realize just now that I STILL hadn't introduced the baby.
And she's now a toddler. Sigh. She's pretty darn cute, though!
Who's cuter.. the dogs? Or the toddler... tough choice.
And this is what I deal with constantly. Watching to stop the dog fights. Aggressive dogs are rather annoying.
Aww.. sister playtime!
New year's resolution complete - Karson finally got a promotion!
And can start on the path to becoming a villain. Man, I hope I have enough time to max that career....
They take a cute picture, though. Too bad it's dark outside.
Another dog fight.. and why is there dog puke on the floor?
.. Turns out Jack is sick again. Back to the vet.
We oughta have a discount plan here, I'm tellin you what...
Maybe he'll finish his aspiration.. but I doubt it. He never sticks to exercising for long. And I forget about it.
Sure.. take it out on the doggie. Hazley seems unimpressed.
Annnddd.. toddler down! Medic! Wait, no, she's just sleeping. Poor thing.
The whole family. In a clean room. Wonder what the dogs are doing?? Getting into trouble, most likely.
Eva needs Charisma for work .. so back to the mirror.
Both parents are at work.. so they're missing the moodlets.. but .. oh.. no.. Jack. 🙁
The nanny is the first to show up. Cassidy is too busy eating.
But the fish eye that Brynlee is giving Grimm is hilarious.
Aww.. So sad. The feels! I feel so bad for all the little simmies.
Cute little urn, though.
And then Brynlee yells at Grimm, making him go "AHH Toddler attack!" and I about lose it laughing. Brynlee is clearly not impressed with Grimm taking her pet!
Brynlee is a toddler of many emotions, but mostly grumpiness. Here she is complaining about learning her flash cards. Look closely, the eyes give away the mood. LOL.
Hey! Not on the dog! *dies laughing* Ok, so it totally looked like she was pouring paint on Hazley.
...And Hazley seemed to enjoy it? Also, why make a disaster if you're just going to clean it up...?
Good doggy. Get that vampire! Our front door is dangerous.
Whew.. everyone is sleeping.
.. And yes.. I mean everyone. It's safe to save and move on to the next save. See you next time!
House 009 Chapter 5 < | > House 009 Chapter 7