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First, we check on our goals...
Set #46 – Stylist - Aiden Ireland (heir) Get to level 10 of the Style Influencer career (Stylist) (Currently level 7) Make over 15 sims (1/15) Set #21 – Chef - Brock Savage (spouse to be) Get to Level 10 of the Culinary Career (Chef) (currently level 6)Master the Cooking SkillMaster the Gourmet Cooking Skill (level 3) Complete the Master Chef Aspiration Cook All Base Game Recipes in Excellent Quality Set #4 – Master of the Real - Maren Brink (roommate) Get to Level 10 in the Painting Career (Master of the Real) (currently level 6) Master the Painting Skill (level 9) Master the Photography Skill Take and display 25 Perfect Quality Photos
Then.. back to playing!
This makes 2/15 makeovers...
7/15 ... and that crazy outfit behind him gets made over, too for 8/15.
"Aww Watcher... do I HAVE to???" Angelina looks to be complaining about skilling logic for school grades.
Maren gets a goal.. and her aspiration.. done.
Grats, Maren!
Meanwhile, Brock is furiously cooking on his list of things.. (when he's not at work)... and I'm getting more and more tired of that house. I just don't deal well with big houses, I'm afraid. Soooo.... I upend the entire family, pack up the collectibles, and move. Again. (Hence the featured image at the top of the screen.)
Maren socializing with Angelina...
Aiden .. upgrading his work tablet..
.. For a level 10 skill.. Nice, Aiden.
I throw a spectacularly unsuccessful bronze house party. That I apparently forgot to take pics of.
Tree success! (I.e. no fires!)
A grand meal..
... And these next two are Maren working on her photography. I spare you most of the photos, I did a lot of still life, and scenery photos outside.
.. And "artsy" stuff like this.
9/15 .. he had to check in at a bar. so we made someone over while we were there.
... and again. 10/15 .. checking in the next day at the same bar. LOL. And this is a picture of something I've ALWAYS wanted to do.. making over Darling Walsh!
With Aiden's new Pristine reputation, he can throw Charity Parties... so I did. for Brock's 3 gourmet meals in one party.
Between having Brock cooking non stop and running Aiden around looking for charity donations, I managed to get a gold. On my first ever Charity Party... lol nice!
With everyone at least level 7 in their career, we decide it's about that time.. and we adopt our heir. Meet Brent. This is the baby my son picked from the list of five of them possible. 😉
Work work work. Always working, Aiden.
Maren skilling for Master of the Real. Now she needs logic.
Hey! What are you doing, trying to set a fire?? I am NOT impressed. (Spoiler: it turns out okay, but I'm still miffed at him..)
Happy new year! Another successful week!
And this is Maren's wall of Outstanding photos so far. 14/25 complete....
And lastly.... Here's Brock's list so far. Getting close to done with it!
Fridge/Oven Recipes:
Outdoor Grill Recipes:
Fridge/Oven Recipes:
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Lots of progress in this chapter! Man, that list of recipes is long. At least they have some variety in their diet, though. My sims aren't typically so lucky.
You lasted a lot longer in that big house than I would have. I find it difficult to keep an eye on everyone when they can spread themselves out over such a large area. I usually try to contain the chaos to smaller spaces, as long as there's enough room to take the pics I need. Of course, I'm a control freak. 😉
I was sure I'd love the big house. But I really hated it. So I finally moved because playing them was really hard when I hated the house!
I'm a control freak too, especially when it comes to sims. I couldn't imagine toddlers in that house, which is what sealed the deal on getting a new house.
Oh, yeah. Toddlers would’ve been a nightmare! I usually avoid putting them in upstairs bedrooms, too. It’s supposed to be fun. When it’s not, I change things up like you. Enjoy the new house!
I have another chapter of this family ready for tomorrow, too. 😉 So yes, I enjoyed the new house quite a bit!