Tails of Sulani - Chapter 0.17

July 14, 2019

Chapter 0.16 | Rules for this challenge | Chapter 0.18

Generation Zero: Beige - Starts with a HUMAN Sim

Appearance: Dark Blonde Hair, poor clothing style
Traits: Slob, Childish, Clumsy
Aspiration: Pick whatever you'd like. (Your goal this
generation is only to become a Mermaid and have your heir)
Occupation: Part Time Jobs ONLY
House Goal: None
Lot Trait: Off the Grid

Corina's mood did not "blow over" like I'd hoped. In fact, she woke up in a worse mood... and before anyone could say anything, she was out the door in athletic gear.

Apparently, she's determined that the few extra pounds she carries need to go away, and she's taken up jogging to make it happen. I commend her on her determination, even though I think she's gorgeous just the way she is.

Then, she came home, and took out her rage on the poor stuffed animal. I guess it's better than other options.. but still.

At this point, Vaea stepped in. Apparently he was better at being diplomatic than I was, because he calmed her down, and helped her remember that she was amazing just as she is. I think she's still determined to lose some weight, though, which I applaud, but at least she's over hating herself for it - for now.

Now that she's calmed down, I suggested she do something creative.. and she immediately decided the Llama needed to go.

I'm not sure what she built, but it is certainly impressive! (A/N: never seen THAT one before!)

Then, she sat down and worked on her homework. She claimed she didn't need help, though, so Vaea and I wisely left her alone.

I thanked him profusely for diffusing the situation, and he blew the compliment off like he usually does.. but I could tell he was secretly pleased with himself.

After some time playing on the swings, it was (yet again) time to do the laundry. While I was working on it, however, we had a guest show up.

It was Manuia, and his first action was to take out the trash. I'm telling you, this boy is a keeper! I wasn't about to tell Corina that, however, so I kept myself busy with the wash.

They had a lively discussion, mostly complaining about the puddles left over from the wash (that I eventually cleaned up). I tried very hard not to eavesdrop, but it's tough in such a small house and I got drawn into the conversation more than once - to Corina's dismay, I'm sure. Shortly after, the two left to do .. who knows what - teenage stuff (probably hanging out on the swingset!) - and I got to work cleaning up puddles.

Then I chatted with the fish, who were thrilled with their new home, especially the Leopard Shark. I fed them, and watched them all play for a while, wondering what the kids were doing, but not nosy enough to peek out a window to see. Corina would have killed me if she caught me!

Vaea comforted me, saying he saw the two of them heading to the ocean, and gave me a big hug - which is always welcome.

Through it all, Kaleb's music rang through the small hut, enhancing the island feel with his chords. He really was getting pretty good at it, and was, rightly, proud of himself.

Vaea and I had an early dinner together, talking about the kids. We had such a wonderful family, it's hard not to brag on them to each other.

Corina came home shortly after we finished dinner, and Kaleb emerged from his room, so we had a bit of family time before bed. I was, of course, still working on housework - things were never completely done around here! - but it was a pleasant evening all around.

The next day, I had the best surprise ever. Tevin came over with a picture...

Of my new grandson, Kyler! The adoption paperwork had finally come through, and I was now a grandmother! Tevin even let me keep the picture, and I quickly hung it up on the wall. He assured me they had plenty of copies of the picture, and that Kyler was healthy and happy. I worried that he would grow up in the city, but Tevin assured me that they would come visit before long.

We sat and talked about Kyler for what seemed like hours, and eventually, I convinced him he needed to visit the ocean again.

So, the two of us went out and swam in the sea for a while. Echo came over to visit with us, glad to see Tevin again, too. However, the afternoon couldn't last forever, and Tevin had an active toddler at home waiting on him, so he gave me a big hug and headed back on the bus to Everett and his city home. The whole visit was definitely the highlight of my week!

When I got home, I discovered that Vaea had come down with some sort of sickness, and I quickly administered orange juice and sent him to bed for a nap.

Corina and I left him alone to rest, and went outside for a while on the swingset. She finally let me in on the fact that Manuia was still seeming to play hard to get, and she bemoaned her poor love life. Meanwhile, Kaleb was out with his girlfriend.. which wasn't helping Corina's mood any. I assured her that she was gorgeous, and all things would come, eventually, but I'm not entirely sure she believed me.

By the next morning, it was obvious I had come down with the same thing Vaea had.. and it was my turn for a nap and Orange Juice. I sincerely hoped neither of us would get worse, because the holidays were coming up.. and being sick on the holidays is NOBODY's idea of a good time. Luckily, the twins were more than willing to step in and help with the housework while Vaea and I were "down for the count", so we didn't have to worry about the house becoming any more of a disaster zone while we were sick.

Chapter 0.16 | Rules for this challenge | Chapter 0.18


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July 23, 2019 5:54 PM

Oh man, lots of sicknesses. I didn't even know my toddler was sick when I was playing until I looked at what kept making her miserable. Felt so bad. 🙁

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I am a 45 year old American wife, mother, and gamer. I’ve lived in the Midwest most of my life, and enjoy it for the changing seasons. My favorite movie is Labyrinth, my favorite game is Sims 4, and I have tattoos related to both. My favorite colors are purple, red, and green. When I’m not playing games (which is rare) I also enjoy reading and crafting. I’m also an animal lover, and have had many types of pets over the years. Currently, I have a dog named Cassie who is a Jack Russel / Beagle mix and three young fancy rats (all of whom are rescues). I run this Sims 4 Blog where I post screenshots and stories about the different challenges I play. Also here are the Sims 4 challenges I've written, and a place for me to store all the Sims 4 knowledge I've gotten over the years. I am also a Sims 4/variety streamer on Twitch for my mental health, fun, and to meet new people. I have also recently been accepted to the EA Creator Network, which is a dream come true! I look forward to meeting you!
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