Chapter 0.11 | Rules for this challenge | Chapter 0.13
Generation Zero: Beige - Starts with a HUMAN Sim Appearance: Dark Blonde Hair, poor clothing style Traits: Slob, Childish, Clumsy Aspiration: Pick whatever you'd like. (Your goal this generation is only to become a Mermaid and have your heir) Occupation: Part Time Jobs ONLY House Goal: None Lot Trait: Off the Grid
Tevin is getting pretty good at the guitar, and while we don't all flock to watch him, he seems to enjoy the alone time. Gloomy Sims are like that for some reason.
Speaking of alone time, Kaleb is trying to get started on his aspiration. Yeah, you read that right. He's just now getting started on it. (Bad Watcher!) Better late than never!
We bought Corina her own violin, and she seems to really enjoy it. She's a lot further ahead in her aspiration than Kaleb, so the instrument really is helping her out.
As for me, I'm back to fixing the tub. It seems to always be broken.
Tevin is gloomy again, and I took the time to try to figure out why. He said he'd talk to me later about it. So, no idea what that's about.
Kaleb is such a happy-go-lucky kid. He's always willing to play with me on the dollhouse. Which is nice, because with my childish nature needs it's playtime.
Vaea spends some time with Corina after work. While she is taking a break from her violin practice.
Kaleb finally gets some time on the craft table, and finds the glitter to his liking. Why a train needs glitter, I don't know, but apparently it does.
Kaleb helping out around the house. The kids are so good at that.
My boys - dreaming about rockets and traveling to the stars. Must be a guy thing, because I've never once wanted to go to the stars..
Vaea is trying to give me a heart attack by swinging without even holding on.
Corina just has to draw five different pictures to finish her aspiration.
While she's busy, Kaleb tried out her violin, complaining the whole time that it's PINK.
I help Corina with her homework while Vaea looks on.
Filthy, but finished with her aspiration. Way to go, Corina! At this point, Vaea and I both had to head to work, and Tevin was off in the ocean.. so I left the twins on their own. I figured they'd be okay for a few hours.
Not long after we left, it seems like half the town arrived randomly. Corina was at first worried about getting in trouble...
But then, she decided this was the perfect opportunity to make some friends. This is Rarahu.
Kaleb just looks overwhelmed. I wonder later if the whole town showed up just because I made a feast in the barbecue pit and smelled up the whole neighborhood. The little tyke with the mohawk is Manuia - we'll see him later.
Dinner was mostly over by the time Vaea came home. And tried very hard to cut the party short.
Completely overwhelmed, however, he simply went to bed. Thanks for leaving the whole mess for me to clean up! Tevin, however, apparently felt bad for being gone for the evening and had most of it cleaned up by the time I got home.
Then, he "cornered" me for a conversation. He seemed reluctant to talk, but finally, he confessed haltingly that he's gay. Why he seemed to be worried about that small fact changing my opinion of him, I don't know... because it certainly did not. We ended up staying up most the night talking, which was nice... although being exhausted by the morning meant that I took a vacation day and stayed home from work to take a nap. I felt bad for Tevin having to go to school, however.. and finally decided he could use a vacation day, too. It had been a long night.
Chapter 0.11 | Rules for this challenge | Chapter 0.13
Awww....Things were going MUCH better for this family this round. What fun, and hey, now she finally knows what's been eating at him!