Chapter 0.10 | Rules for this challenge | Chapter 0.12
Generation Zero: Beige - Starts with a HUMAN Sim Appearance: Dark Blonde Hair, poor clothing style Traits: Slob, Childish, Clumsy Aspiration: Pick whatever you'd like. (Your goal this generation is only to become a Mermaid and have your heir) Occupation: Part Time Jobs ONLY House Goal: None Lot Trait: Off the Grid
I figured I'd start this update off with a picture of the outside of the house. Since I haven't bothered to show it off since it got the last addition for the twins. (What can I say, I've had other things on my mind!) We have even added a path up to the door - not that we have many visitors.
For a change, there wasn't laundry hanging on the line, but I'm working on changing that now. There always seems to be dirty clothes in this house!
... Especially socks.
The monster strikes again at night. Kaleb looks completely done with the whole idea, and Corina is just scared. I can't blame her. If tentacles were coming out from under my bed and making noises, I'd be scared, too. It takes a couple hours to get everyone back in bed after the hullabaloo, so everyone will be tired again tomorrow. Joy.
In the morning, while the kids are at school, I take the time to clean house after work and enjoy the fact that I can't do laundry. Why? Well, because the previous load is still drying, thanks to the rain.
Vaea and I take some "together" time while the kids are still gone, and it was definitely a welcome diversion.
As expected, everyone is exhausted by the time they get home from school. Poor Tevin is barely walking, and I send him to bed for a nap immediately. Corina needs a shower, as usual. Kaleb, strangely, seems to be in a good mood, however, and I help him with his homework before he, too, heads off for a nap.
After her shower, Corina's homework turns out to be less complicated, so with my help she breezes right through it, leaving her plenty of time to play before bed.
Vaea is having dinner all by his lonesome while I go play in the ocean for a while... proving that yes, there are leftovers in the fridge.
Which I bring up because Tevin tries to start a fire by attempting to learn to cook on the grill. Luckily, nothing happens.
Except, of course, slightly more than burnt hot dogs. (Which smell up the house for the rest of the day. Have you ever tried to get that smell out of your nose? I assure you, it's a smell that lingers...)
Amazingly, the next night, everyone sleeps peacefully through. I'm not sure how, but I appreciate the uninterrupted sleep all the same. We all do, actually.
Everyone has a much better day, and is definitely more on the cheerful side after a full night's sleep. Kaleb and Vaea play with the dollhouse, Corina is on the swingset...
... and some random elder just wanders in to play on our chess set. What?? I asked around the family, and nobody has any idea who she is, and for some reason, nobody feels brave enough to shoo her away.. so we just let her play chess (it's not like the rest of us ever use that set) and, finally, wander back to wherever she came from.
Tevin is out enjoying the sea for the evening, having (thankfully) given up on jogging as a whole. I did tell him that swimming was better for fitness, but I suppose he had to find that out on his own. Stubborn teens.
The next morning, Vaea surprises me with flowers for Love Day, and invites me out to the local bar for a date.
He really is the best husband. I tell him how much I appreciate him, and his constant loving support in raising these three kids.
I'm sure the rest of the bar patrons were completely tired of our lovey-dovey by the time we left, but we were completely busy, so neither of us noticed.
Later, Vaea showed me a gorgeous, nearly private cove, and we went for a swim. I still can't get over how beautiful the islands are. There's always something new that I'm finding, and part of me misses wandering the islands when I first got here without a care in the world.
I certainly don't regret anything, however, and Love Day (and the date) was a smashing success. I hope Tevin wasn't too annoyed at having to watch the twins for the afternoon, but at least he didn't complain about it.
Vaea ends up cooking some grilled fruit for dinner when we get home... however, he ends up burning it. So dinner .. is .. again.. leftovers...
... and everyone gathers around the table as a family to enjoy it... Except for Kaleb, who decides he'd rather clean the house. Silly kid.
I can't even begin to say how much I love my family. Kaleb welcomes Vaea home from work, and Corina and I play with the dollhouse. It's a lovely quiet evening, so I'll wrap this up and save more drama for next time.
Chapter 0.10 | Rules for this challenge | Chapter 0.12
You are doing great with the twins and how nice that you were able to have a peaceful night!