I've decided to start a new posting schedule. Since I have seven stories (currently), it's perfect to focus on one of them per day. In a perfect world, I'll be able to get more than one post out of a play session and get a couple of these stories moving along a little bit faster (Stories in question: townie rotation for SURE, the Master Simmer since it's 26+ generations, and the Ramblers, again, because there's so many generations to go still.)
On another note, I'll be taking a "break" the first week of every month for building challenges, and to pull out my Settlers challenge I have on hiatus. (That will start next month) This month, the "break week" is more getting caught up on my Tails of Sulani story, because I've played way ahead of where I've posted and need the catch-up time. In other words, expect this full schedule to start next Monday. *grin*
Just for informative purposes, I will also be posting this schedule on my "home" page, so it's easily accessible and you can see what's coming.
Monday - Thrall's Master Simmer Play & post 1
Tuesday - Tails of Sulani (Mermaid Legacy) Play & Post / Townie Rotation post 1
Wednesday - The Ramblers (Drifter Challenge) Play & Post 1
Thursday - Those Crazy Irish (ISBI) Play & Post / Townie Rotation post 2
Friday - Island Spirits (Sulani History Challenge) Play & Post / Master Simmer post 2
Saturday - Townie Rotation Play & Post 3 / Ramblers post 2
Sunday - Foreshadowed Sunset (Vampire Lineage) Play & Post
Wow! I always want to write so many stories, but think I'll never have the time to post them all regularly. And here you have seven?! I am impressed and even more-so with your schedule! I aspire to one day have a steady post schedule for all of my stories like this!
Technically eight. But the Settlers one isn't on my main schedule, it just takes too long to post one post since one post is a whole generation.