House 008 Chapter 8 < | > House 009 Chapter 1
Checking the goals:
House 008 Building Goals: Have a 5 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom (minimum) house worth at least 50k (house complete) House 008 Generational Goals: Complete the Writer (Author) career with adoptions at the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd promotions (all adoptions done, career complete) Have a Young Adult heir (teen) Each of the three adoptees and the biological heirs are controllable and responsible for completing one of the child aspirations: Social Butterfly - Reese (Bookworm, Hot-Headed, Ambitious) Rambunctious Scamp - Karen (Art Lover, Insider, Erratic) Whiz Kid - Chantal (Insider, Gloomy, Squeamish) Artistic Prodigy - Eva (Dog Lover, Self-Absorbed) (all four aspirations complete)
The good news is: this is the last chapter before house 009. The bad news: it's going to be mostly filler pictures, because all my goals, even ones I set for myself, are complete.
Why so sad, Reese?
Hanging out with sister Chantal.
Eva doing her homework. Apparently I've been so busy getting her to Max on the Scouts career, I've been neglecting her schoolwork and she's almost about to lose her "A".. so we quick do some stuff to get her grade back up.
Damien mentoring Chantal in writing for her job.
Karen doing what she likes best.
More sister bonding time.
Might as well fix stuff.
Damien watching TV in between writing books to keep his fame up.
Karen.. what happened to you.. I sent you to volunteer with Reese and Eva...??
Turns out she got struck by lightning and is hugely energized by it. Sims are weird.
Kayla is having another juice temper tantrum. I'm not going to miss these in the next house!
More stuff to fix.
Reese, can you even SEE the TV from there? Why not just go sit on the couch?
Aww.. hugs.
Kayla and her juice. And apparently she's forgotten how to take a shower, too.
Karen taking care of the orchard.
Then, getting some fun on the lump of clay.
A school project? You bet. She still needs grade improvement so I can feel safe.
Karen's new bonsai tree.
"Beep boop beep! Coming through!"
Chantal Painting for work.. while Damien comes over curiously.
Lots going on in this picture. Karen's got her new gardening book, Eva's just hanging out eating, Reese has painting to do, and Damien's working on yet another book.
Chantal painted a pet picture! How cute!
Another ghostly visitor cleaning stuff up for us.
Then, to my horror, I get the notice about it being Damien's final days. So I hurry up and take a bunch of pictures of his stats.
He didn't do too bad for himself.
I figure I can waste time by having him upgrade a bunch more stuff.. and there's Kayla, slamming the fridge again.
More upgrading.
The paparazzi beating up on the bear. At some point in this week, Damien got the quirk that he likes posing for them, so I find him outside talking/posing all the time now. This one apparently didn't like the photos she got.
Might as well learn some cooking for the next house.
More upgrading.
Lol.. Sorry Damien. Too much upgrading?
Karen gardening by herself in the dark.
Sister bonding.
First snow of the year.
It's Harvestfest, and the gnome says NO.. and then disappears.
Harvestfest dinner.
A busy family. Kayla.. what sort of face is THAT?
Karen sure loves that clay. Anytime I can't find her.. this is where she'll be.
Damien seems very intrigued by Chantal's painting.
And the ever-present paparazzi.
Karen's boyfriend invites her out.. so I decide "why not?"
Chatting before the meal.
... And then they decide to get into some trouble. (At which point, I get the notice about Eva's birthday, so I hurry home again.)
... Only to have Damien's aspiration randomly complete. Hm.. okay..
.. Which also gives him his "most interesting sim" 12th trait. Nice.
... Never seen that before.. why are there butterflies around the laundry basket??
Eva managed to wait until morning the next day to age up. That way I don't have to get started in the dark.
LMAO.. she's VERY happy about aging. Me too, Eva, Me too.
Art Lover? Hm. I suppose I can deal with that.
And.. our last check on the house...
Some pictures.. (Apparently there's a roof gone wrong in there, but I'm not sure I'm going to fix it.... it's uploaded as a #drifterchallenge house to the gallery.)
And.. our final household funds. Amazingly, Damien even lived until the end.. but his bar is sparkling, so he'll go any time now.
See you tomorrow for the next post. No way can I wait four days to play the beginning of the next house!
House 008 Chapter 8 < | > House 009 Chapter 1