Thrall's Master Simmer Chapter 1.4

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Welcome back!

... Our goal list...

Set #1 - Author - Brayden
Get to Level 10 in the Writer career (Author) (level 8)
Master the Writing Skill
Complete the Bestselling Author Aspiration
Write at least 2 Excellent Books in Every Genre
Write 5 Books of Life and Bind Them to Sims
Set #19 - Art Critic - Heidi
Get to level 10 of the Critic career (Art Critic) (level 9)
Complete and Display the Snow Globes and City Posters Collections
Perform as a statue for at least two hours
Complete the City Native aspiration
Win a Karaoke Contest
Have level 10 Singing skill (level 8)
Travel to all festivals at least once

Well, here we are again. At the end of the main generational goals, but still a way to go. Let's see how much I can get done in this chapter.

The first thing I do, is take the two kids off to the park to work on social aspiration. It really is my least favorite, and I just want to get it done. Aiden is gathering kids to make friends with for the last tier of the aspiration...

While Ashlie garthers people to meet for the first part of the aspiration.

Ashlie making BFFs with her mom for the second part..

While Aiden tries to make some friends.

BFF's complete.

Aiden still working on friendships.. and now Ashlie is, too. Sigh. Such an annoying aspiration.

The night at the park is over.. and I feel the need to clean up the messes. Thanks, Ashlie.

Both kids working on the mental aspiration.

Stories with mom.

Then mom goes to make dinner.

Aiden getting his last Mental points..

First aspiration complete!

Finishing up the pictures he needs...

Second aspiration complete!

Shortly after this.. (apparently I didn't get a picture..)

He gets his third aspiration.

I'm not neglecting Ashlie's aspirations, either.. but she is just getting going on them, after all.

Practicing typing for his Motor aspiration. The one I hadn't really worked much on, and now it's the last one I need. But I don't have a huge amount of time left until his birthday.. so we'll really have to push on it.

Homework time. I find Drama club for Ashlie makes getting her aspirations done hard to do, because she has meetings all the time.

Oops. Forgot a monster light. But apparently, Ashlie makes friends with it on her own.

Harvest fest! This week is going by really fast. First try on appeasing the gnome, way to go Heidi.

First try for Brayden and Aiden as well.

Bought a fourth gnome so Ashlie could try.. a pie?

Fail.. Forgive me?

Nope. Guess it's time to sell those gnomes.

More work on the Motor skill.. and it happens to be raining at Willow Creek Park. Sigh. Go figure.

Getting frogs for both collection purposes and scouting badges.

Never too late in the week to work on school projects.

More motor practice.

Ta-da! An Excellent project.

Then some Mental practice for Ashlie.

... To keep her busy while mom makes Turkey dinner.

I manage for the first time this play-time to get the whole family in the same place at once.

Awww.. poor Aiden.. I guess I'm working him too hard.

A sleep replacer so I can get this done before I run out of time.

.. And an energized potion to make it go faster. Like the animation on this .. can't say I've used it before. 🙂


... Done! That's all four aspirations!

Now I can focus on Ashlie and some other goals.

Who's now really sparkly?

Brayden, that's who! My second ever global celebrity.. and both did it through writing. Not bad.

On the off chance there's plants I don't have at the spice fest, I send the family off to it. Most of the family plays on the playground equipment, though.

After harvesting, Heidi does some singing practice...

.. And finally gets her aspiration completed!

While everyone else plays basketball.

Turns out Aiden is really good at it.. and Brayden is really bad. LOL.

Home just in time to age up Brayden.

He may be an elder now, but Heidi still thinks he looks good. hehe.

What's this?

This is me getting bored.. and giving myself something to do after I get through Ashlie's aspirations. Which are all coming along nicely.

However, Brayden seems to question my decision.. LOL. Heidi is thrilled.

Brayden's first celebrity serum is a happy serum.. and the graphics are too cute to not take a picture.

Working from home seems to be getting Heidi closer to promotion than working hard at work.. so at home is where we're working. No matter how much it distracts me from working on Ashlie.

He looks pleased with himself...

.. And he should be. That's level 10 of Writing career. Woohoo! Brayden's goals are completely done!

Ashlie working on that social goal some more..

While Aiden tries out the new Alexa I gave them.

Dancing is giving him badges.. so get down, Aiden!

Something for Aiden to do while he's on the bored side.

.. You're pregnant. What are you doing, Heidi? Oh yeah, and that's Aiden's project for the week. Granted, it's Sunday.. but whatever. I was hoping it would count towards the last badge he needs, the young scientist one.. but it didn't.

Aww.. Sorry Ashlie.

I'm not sure that looks like a safe thing to do...

.. But I guess she's got the skills now to do it if anyone does!

Go Aiden!

The traits and aspiration I chose for Aiden. I took the 60 goal sets and rolled a randomizer to see what I'd be doing the next generation, and I got Chef and Stylist. I'm picking Stylist for Aiden, so Friend of the World seems like a good aspiration choice.. and outgoing as his second trait.

.. Well.. I suppose that's some sort of style.. right?

Social skill...

... And the hardest one complete. Just three more to go.

Blowing bubbles at the flea market. Before it gets too cold to be outside.

Trying this Karaoke thing again. Maybe third try's the charm.

And since it's new skill day, I have everyone else participate, too.

Ashlie doesn't finish in time.. but everyone else gets points..

And that's Heidi's second to last goal. All she needs now is her Level 10 career, and she's really close to that one now.

I call that a good place to stop. Despite the fact we have a baby on the way. That'll be next time's surprise. *grin* See you in the next post!

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May 16, 2019 5:45 PM

You got bored, so Heidi has a baby? That cracked me up. Isn't she due to become an elder soon?

You got a ton done this chapter. I didn't realize you were going to use a randomizer to determine the next goal sets. I suppose that'll make it more interesting since some combinations could be more difficult than others, especially if they're world-specific.

May 16, 2019 6:40 PM
Reply to  LilyParker

LOL Actually, she is. I think she has five or six days, maybe less. Toddlers keep me busy, so I figure by the time the aspirations are done with Ashlie, we should have a toddler to take care of.

Yeah, I decided to do a randomizer, because looking at that big list I just couldn't decide. Stylist should be interesting, I haven't really done much with that career. Not looking forward to the other sim being a chef, I have done that one quite a bit.. but I'm still going to go with what I got.

Emily Carter
Emily Carter
May 16, 2019 8:11 PM

Why is
Write at least 2 Excellent Books in Every Genre
Write 5 Books of Life and Bind Them to Sims
Perform as a statue for at least two hours
Win a Karaoke Contest
Travel to all festivals at least once

on the list here?

They aren't listed on the master list page and I'm a little confused. Also do we need to keep each item of the collections or sell them off once we get it?

May 16, 2019 9:11 PM
Reply to  Emily Carter

Those goals are from the goal set page. There are two ways to play the challenge, one using the master list, the other using the goal sets page, which is where those goals come from. I'm considering changing it to just using the goal sets, to eliminate confusion. I'm finding the cheat sheet page to be mostly confusing, and not helpful to my challenge. What do you think?

As for the collections, I'm going to keep and display them on whatever lot I'm on, I think it's fun, but I don't specifically say in the rules you have to. The goal sets page lists displaying them, but for the cheat sheet page, you don't need to. Does that make sense?

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I am a 45 year old American wife, mother, and gamer. I’ve lived in the Midwest most of my life, and enjoy it for the changing seasons. My favorite movie is Labyrinth, my favorite game is Sims 4, and I have tattoos related to both. My favorite colors are purple, red, and green. When I’m not playing games (which is rare) I also enjoy reading and crafting. I’m also an animal lover, and have had many types of pets over the years. Currently, I have a dog named Cassie who is a Jack Russel / Beagle mix and three young fancy rats (all of whom are rescues). I run this Sims 4 Blog where I post screenshots and stories about the different challenges I play. Also here are the Sims 4 challenges I've written, and a place for me to store all the Sims 4 knowledge I've gotten over the years. I am also a Sims 4/variety streamer on Twitch for my mental health, fun, and to meet new people. I have also recently been accepted to the EA Creator Network, which is a dream come true! I look forward to meeting you!
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