House 008 Chapter 7 < | > House 008 Chapter 9
Checking the goals:
House 008 Building Goals: Have a 5 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom (minimum) house worth at least 50k (house complete) House 008 Generational Goals: Complete the Writer (Author) career with adoptions at the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd promotions (all adoptions done, career complete) Have a Young Adult heir (teen) Each of the three adoptees and the biological heirs are controllable and responsible for completing one of the child aspirations: Social Butterfly - Reese (Bookworm, Hot-Headed, Ambitious) Rambunctious Scamp - Karen (Art Lover, Insider) Whiz Kid - Chantal (Insider, Gloomy, Squeamish) Artistic Prodigy - Eva (Dog Lover, Self-Absorbed) (all four aspirations complete)
Now that Damien had his promotion, we're just waiting on Eva. Who I'm still mad at. LOL. But the good news is, one more chapter after this and I can start on house 009.
That washing machine Eva was fixing last time? ... gave her a shock that left her dazed. Luckily, it didn't kill her.
Reese, you're supposed to be painting, not staring off into space.
Karen, trying to fight a losing battle to keep the fridge stocked.
Working on the gift-giving badge.
There's that lump of clay again. Karen's got it this time.
A global superstar ghost? That's a new one to me. And good job for doing your homework, Eva.
Kayla helping out on her own. Occasionally she's useful.
Reese's first day on the job.
Eva.. are you multitasking, or keeping the clay from everyone else? .. Perhaps a bit of both?
Damien publishing another book.
And he made it. He's really sparkly now!
He now gets DOUBLE his salary. That's CRAZY!
Aww.. a Suave kiss. His teenage gut reminds me, though...
There's someone else who needs a workout. Too bad he won't be able to lose those pounds...
.. because he's aged up now. Happy Birthday, Damien!
Love you, mom! (A great picture for mother's day!)
Working on those scouts badges.
.. and she's not happy about it. That trait keeps making her tense, and it's annoying.
I see broken appliances in our future. Although at this time, I don't bother fixing them, I just pay for them. We have so much cash, it doesn't really matter.
There always is a paparazzi outside. This one seems to be taking pictures of the trash can, which I found hilarious.
Writing and painting. I told him to write upstairs, but he apparently wanted to hang out with Reese.
There. give her something to take a picture of.
Karen has a mood swing.
Yep, it's Monday.
More school project...
I just noticed this looks vaguely like Reese. I'll never now be able to un-see Reese.
Watching cooking. All by herself? Sure. Skill yourself!
Our first bridge project. Only a good, but it's still the first one I've seen in the game.
A good robot.
She's tense.. again. Sigh.
Meatballs. Later I remember why I don't make meat dishes in this house. Damien gets into it and gets sick.
It's Children's Day (which is an actual holiday in Korea, and since my sister was adopted Korean-American, I grew up celebrating it...) .. and one of the traditions is water play, so I build them a pool. Spoiler: it thunderstorms ALL day and night, and they never get to use it. *frown*
The fire tradition.
Giving gifts tradition...
.. And they can toast each other? Sure.. why not. Kayla.. where's your drink??
... Mood swing.
Another mood swing? Nope. Just Kayla with two drinks, and she's still mad about being "juiceless" .. this missing quirk is driving me nuts!
More fire fun.
Such a cute family. I really love these guys!
This is when I discover that the "Getting fit" badge is buggy as all heck. Working out doesn't always give you credit, and dancing doesn't seem to give credit at all. And if you can't tell, it's still storming madly, so there's no jogging outside. (Jogging triggers the badge just fine, apparently)
The next day: another mood swing.
Gardening doesn't trigger the "outside" badge? What is this?
Never seen that clay sculpture before. Wonder what it is...
Happy Birthday, Kayla!
Aww. Sparkle hug.
Happy Birthday, Karen! I didn't get the cake pic, but this is her getting her job.
... Great. An insane Drifter. LOL. Fitting?
You going to make that funny bust-like-thing again?
Finally... a good day to get the outdoors badge.
Wait.. she's got a REALLY cute hot weather outfit. 🙂 Haven't seen/noticed that shirt before!
Success! Top of the Scouts career.
Uh, oh. Someone's sick.
Summerfest.. with a drinking tradition.
.. And sports watching tradition.
And.. we finish with another ticked-off ghost. More turned over trash cans and broken plumbing.
One more chapter.. and then I get to start house 9 for the first time! I can't wait!
House 008 Chapter 7 < | > House 008 Chapter 9