Peterson-Chorduroy Foster Family Week 1 Part 1

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Okay. this family is a big melting pot of sims.. but that's sorta how Foster families work, right? At least, I think so.

First thing I do is some furnishing upgrades in the house. I end up changing something in pretty much every room to make this house work for this many sims. I also move things around in the master bedroom, move the master bath, and add in another bedroom for the fifth kid.

The new Master bed and bath.

Skylar (right) and Parker's rooms.

Carina's room, and a shower I added instead of a tub.

Neal and Brantley's (left) rooms.

The dining room was on the other side of the house.. no way they were going to use it. So here's my solution.

Family room/study.

The new laundry room and half bath.

The media room and the old dining room, which is now a playroom/games room.

The new monkey bars. True fact: I broke my wrist when I was young falling off the monkey bars. I was ticked, too, because there was a pool party I had to miss the next day.

Kev getting his job.

Lucille setting an 11 PM curfew. She's going to be a stay at home mom.

Neal painting. If you remember, we saw him in the Landgraab's house. He's the teen that Malcolm beat up. LOL.

Skylar playing piano.


Hey, it's not so bad, Brantley. It's your aspiration, remember?

Working out with Dad.

Breakfast made.. and aren't you supposed to wash your hands before you eat?

The never-ending job begins.

Autonomously hugging a stinky Brantley.

Skylar chatting on the computer.

The kids go to the park for their aspiration.. and I spot Yuki Behr playing with them. And an idea pops into my head.... so Neal gets brought to the park.

What better way to get to know a girl.. join her club! I've never messed with clubs much, so this should be fun. If I remember to go to gatherings.

Chatting up Yuki in the rain.

One of the club tasks is doing homework.. so that's what they're doing.

Aww.. I think they look good together. Also: note who showed up in the background. It's mom, who followed these two teens here of her own accord, checking up on them?

Getting to know her a little bit better. Then it was time to head home before curfew.

Bedtime snacks.

Guess what?? It's Summerfest! Skylar has breakfast before the festivities begin.

Brantley and Skylar have a water balloon fight, but it doesn't work too well because there's so much in the way of landscaping in the back yard...

Neal gets hit practically in the face... poos guy. Maybe he shouldn't have joined in on the fight...?

Watching sports as a family.

After removing the water balloon bucket since it wasn't working too well, I added in a water slide instead.. and it turned out to be a big hit.

... It's not Neal's day, huh?

Parker's just too cool for all of this, apparently.

Playing darts.. wonder who will win?

Way to go, Skylar!

Helping out with chores.

Asking for advice from Mom. It's so hard being a teenager...

Little Carina helps out, too, while Skylar and Brantley do their homework. Skylar doesn't seem to be having any fun doing it. LOL.

Excuse me, young man... there's leftovers in the fridge.. why are you trying to kill yourself?

Making more leftovers just to be sure.

This was where they congregated .. in a heat wave.

Brantley apparently had a rough night and is hitting the coffee right after school.

Kev celebrates his promotion by watching more sports.

This place seems to be a Sim-magnet. Before long, Skylar overheated and had to run inside.. where I promptly turned up the AC.

Neal chatting with his mom while painting.

Neal invited Yuki over, and decided since they were now good friends, he'd put the moves on her.

What a face, Neal.. it's not that serious, is it??

Well, then. I stand corrected. Young love! Yuki responds to the first kiss with a long kiss of her own right afterwards. I would say these two are making a fine couple!!

Skylar chatting with Lucille.

While the kids are at school... Mom pigs out on buttered popcorn. That sounds good... I can't blame her one bit!

Then, she decides to start learning to bake.. um.. you're supposed to crack the egg before putting it in the batter, silly...

Somehow, she ends up with excellent sugar cookies anyway. (Watch for the crunchy bits??  LOL)

"I am so not fixing this on my own!!" ... calls the Handyman.

Homework party in a more appropriate spot. Brantley seems to have gotten sick overnight, so after this we make him drink some medicine.

... Because he has to go out with his dad. Both needed to work out at the gym for their aspiration.. so off they went.

Apparently Brantley looked like he needed help, because the trainer came over of his own accord to help him out.

Skylar! Not you, too! *sigh* Teenagers and grills. They scare me. Well, it's Wednesday night, which is a good place to stop for the first half the week. See you next time!

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I am a 45 year old American wife, mother, and gamer. I’ve lived in the Midwest most of my life, and enjoy it for the changing seasons. My favorite movie is Labyrinth, my favorite game is Sims 4, and I have tattoos related to both. My favorite colors are purple, red, and green. When I’m not playing games (which is rare) I also enjoy reading and crafting. I’m also an animal lover, and have had many types of pets over the years. Currently, I have a dog named Cassie who is a Jack Russel / Beagle mix and three young fancy rats (all of whom are rescues). I run this Sims 4 Blog where I post screenshots and stories about the different challenges I play. Also here are the Sims 4 challenges I've written, and a place for me to store all the Sims 4 knowledge I've gotten over the years. I am also a Sims 4/variety streamer on Twitch for my mental health, fun, and to meet new people. I have also recently been accepted to the EA Creator Network, which is a dream come true! I look forward to meeting you!
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