Ramblers House 008 Chapter 6

May 5, 2019

House 008 Chapter 5 < | > House 008 Chapter 7

Checking the goals:

House 008 Building Goals:
Have a 5 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom (minimum) house worth at least 50k
(value complete)
House 008 Generational Goals:
Complete the Writer (Author) career with adoptions at
the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd promotions (all adoptions done)
Have a Young Adult heir (child)
Each of the three adoptees and the biological heirs are controllable
and responsible for completing one of the child aspirations:
Social Butterfly - Reese (Bookworm, Hot-Headed)
Rambunctious Scamp - Karen (Art Lover)
Whiz Kid - Chantal (Insider, Gloomy)
Artistic Prodigy - Eva (Dog Lover)
(all four aspirations complete)

The only things left are Damien's last promotion (he's getting close), and a whole bunch of time while Eva ages up to Young Adult. As I previously said, this is going to be a long house.... but at least there will be one birthday for sure in this update.

First thing I do ... is something I should have done ages ago... add some custom holidays. They're totally lacking from the game, and I think my Ramblers saves will truly be better for having them. That being said, here they are:

Now, into the play time. 🙂

Damien putting the finishing touches on a Book of Life for Eva.

I decide to give Damien a new aspiration - Big Happy Family.. and here he is reading to the kids. Eva is just adorable. I can't help but smile at her faces.

Dryer's broken again, but Chantal doesn't mind.. she's too busy hunting food.

The evening's ghost takes over the juice bar.

Damien decorating for Winterfest.

... Had to move the TV to make room for the tree, but it was worth it.

Reese sets the table.. all by herself. What a good girl!

The Grand Meal as a family. Everyone is chatting and having a good time. I keep watching all the green relationship pluses going above their heads.

Waiting for Father Winter...

Apparently waiting for him got boring, because Karen started randomly running around cleaning the house.

Karen's first...

LOOK at that face!!  How can you not love Eva.. and Karen's pretty cute, too.

Reese's turn.

Chantal's turn.

Karen's being nosy, trying to see what is in dad's present.

Family gift time!

What did you get there, Eva? Anything good?

... Apparently not. Coal. Poor kid.

Don't remember what Kayla got, but she clearly was not impressed.

Eva cheers right back up, though, so it must not have been too horrible.

One of the gifts was a robot vacuum's dock, so I went ahead and got them the robot, too. And then had Damien upgrade it.

He needed level 8 Handiness, though, so we did some more upgrades to the stove to level up. Other presents included a lump of clay, and a doctor's playset from Father Winter to Eva, so those got put out, as well. The rest of the presents weren't all that interesting, and were sold.

The next day, we have a MAJOR blizzard (see the house picture in the header.. lol) .. and the poor Mail-lady is clearly not dressed for the weather. Put some clothes on!

They all RUN inside after school. and Chantal does not look pleased.

Karen, our cheerful little bug, looks pleased, while Eva looks more bemused than anything else. I just love these kids! So cute!

Chantal's having a mood swing. No wonder she looked unhappy.

... So is Reese. Not a good day for teenagers, I guess.

Homework party .. while the vacuum heads off to do it's thing. ... And why is there bacon and eggs on the dock... and is that pancakes on top of the robot?? *facepalm* Oh dear, EA.... why.

... The teens are back doing well, and Kayla is helping Eva with her homework all by herself. Despite her juice addiction, she's a great mom. Oh, and as you can see on the new coffee table... someone already shaped the clay into a teapot. How cute.

Is it bad that I have the most fun watching the little robot work? And purposely leave messes for it to clean up?

This is such a social and interesting family to play. I love all the time I spend on this save. Much more so than previous drifter houses.

Reese finds the clay.

Birthday time! I told you there'd be one in this update! Nearly everyone is celebrating, except for poor Eva, who's working on her second aspiration.

Oh my gosh, I love her! She grew up so pretty!

Here's what she rolled, so I immediately get her a job.

Her new room.

Oh, and the updated study. I changed out the bookcase for the one that Damien got from work promotions. This photo is also to remind me to put in Damien's new reputation..

... Apparently he's really a good guy. (But, then, we knew that.)

Bribing more Paparazzi to leave so they don't have to freeze outside.

... Later, completely inexplicably, Reese gets into a fight with some random sim outside the house. What the heck??

... There. That's a better thing to do, Reese.


The teens eating a late dinner before bed.

While Eva churns out her Emotion potions for her aspiration.

Aww.. they still love each other. I totally didn't tell them to do this.

New Year's Eve confetti, and everyone is getting in their resolutions (Except for poor Kayla, who's uncontrollable.)

Damien's is to lose weight. I've been noticing a he's a little on the chunky side lately.

Reese's .. is to gain skill. Most everyone else's is either to get a promotion or do better in school.

.. Not another mood swing, this time it's just Karen working on her Charisma for work.

Playing at the clay again, I see.

Karen, honey, you may want to move the other hand out of the way of the knife while you try to learn cooking...

..Everyone else watches a movie while Karen toils away in the kitchen.

What a pretty day. Since the only thing left on the Whiz Kid aspiration is getting an "A", I start working on Social Butterfly. My favorite.. (sarcasm).

While Karen finds a potential boyfriend. Aren't they cute together?

BFFs for the aspiration.

And since it's the first day of Spring, it's a good place to stop. With any luck, we'll get far enough to see some more birthdays in the next update, and we'll definitely see one of my new holidays. Should be fun!

House 008 Chapter 5 < | > House 008 Chapter 7


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I am a 45 year old American wife, mother, and gamer. I’ve lived in the Midwest most of my life, and enjoy it for the changing seasons. My favorite movie is Labyrinth, my favorite game is Sims 4, and I have tattoos related to both. My favorite colors are purple, red, and green. When I’m not playing games (which is rare) I also enjoy reading and crafting. I’m also an animal lover, and have had many types of pets over the years. Currently, I have a dog named Cassie who is a Jack Russel / Beagle mix and three young fancy rats (all of whom are rescues). I run this Sims 4 Blog where I post screenshots and stories about the different challenges I play. Also here are the Sims 4 challenges I've written, and a place for me to store all the Sims 4 knowledge I've gotten over the years. I am also a Sims 4/variety streamer on Twitch for my mental health, fun, and to meet new people. I have also recently been accepted to the EA Creator Network, which is a dream come true! I look forward to meeting you!
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