Ramblers House 008 Chapter 4

April 29, 2019

House 008 Chapter 3 < | > House 008 Chapter 5

Checking the goals:

House 008 Building Goals:
Have a 5 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom (minimum) house worth at least 50k
(value complete)
House 008 Generational Goals:
Complete the Writer (Author) career with adoptions at
the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd promotions (all adoptions done)
Have a Young Adult heir (toddler)
Each of the three adoptees and the biological heirs are controllable
and responsible for completing one of the child aspirations:
Social Butterfly - Reese (Bookworm)
Rambunctious Scamp - Karen (Art Lover)
Whiz Kid - Chantal (Insider)
Artistic Prodigy - Eva

The house is coming along great. Value is done, but I'm far from where I'd like it to be decoration-wise. But there's plenty of time left for that, and the funds are certainly still coming in, so it shouldn't be an issue. I fully expect this to be a house win. I think the only thing that could go wrong is the heir dying (knock on wood). That being said, there's a long way still to go on this house, because the heir is still a toddler. The parents could very well be gone before we finish getting the heir aged up. Again, crossing fingers for luck that that isn't what happens. (Oh, and featured image... isn't the house gorgeous?! I love it with the fall decor.)

.. Since we left you last time with some school projects in progress.. here's Karen's complete. She got a "good," even with the help.

I then finally get around to finishing the parent's bedroom. Shown here:

I like it. Going for bright colors in this house, as I think I said before.

Damien and Eva playing together. I swear, Eva is just SO cute. I hope she stays that way.

Reese's project. An Excellent, and done all by herself!

Another self-completed excellent project. Good job, Chantal.

Another ghostly visitor. This one's sad. But who knows why?

... So she breaks the sink, then complains about being uncomfortable because of the puddle mess... Sigh. Ghosts.

... Oops. Was too busy watching the ghost.

Yikes, Kayla .. don't set the place on fire. That reminds me. I need to put in a sprinkler system for safety since we're going to have so many teenagers.

... Fixing the broken sink. Why is something always broken in this house??

I elect to wall off the kitchen and do some upgrades to it. And yes, I got a sprinkler system. Safe.

Yup. Here goes the laundry chore. But I made that alcove specifically for it, so I went ahead and used it. We'll have enough teenagers who are able to do it to keep up with it. I hope.

Karen working on her aspiration. At least it's not raining for once. Note the swingset is broken - lightning apparently hit it the last storm.

That's another goal complete!

Oops. Damien is always working so hard.

The ghost cleaning up the potty again. I love it when they clean house.

Level nine Writing career!! One more to go! And we've got plenty of time.

Back to work on that writing skill....

Hooray, Damien!

Really? Doing your homework on the newly fixed swingset? .. Well, okay. At least you're doing it.

Where are you going, Chantal? (While watching the ghost cleaning the potty.. again.)

Yay!! Our first teenager!

Oh, no, Chantal. What are you wearing.. and THAT hair?? You're going to drive me crazy by the end of this challenge. Makes me doubt my decision to not change non-heir's clothes and that only when they age to the next generation. Oh.. dear. *facepalm*

Her rolled traits.. (She rolled Big Happy Family for her aspiration.. not happening..not in this family..)

.. and the rolled job. I'm going to ignore the hobbies for this challenge, I think.. although I appreciate that createarandomsim.com added them. (Which is the site I use for random rolls)

Oh yeah.. and her newly re-done bedroom.

... Harvestfest! .. And our first gnome fail.

.. Our second gnome fail.

"Please forgive me??"


"Please forgive me?"

"Nope." ... Me - "Forget these gnomes.." SELL.

Chantal working on her gardening skill for work. And because she's now the designated gardener.

Working on her Charisma skill.


Damien is still writing books in his "spare" time. He's getting close to four star celeb. Maybe he'll even get there.

Making tofu-turkey. I'm seriously hoping Eva doesn't roll Vegetarian. It's such a pain to have one in the household!

Kayla helping Chantal with homework.. but she doesn't seem to appreciate it. Damien is cheering because... ?? I guess the meal?

Family grand meal. The end of Harvestfest.. and thankfully, everyone but the uncontrollable mom got it done successfully.

Working on that last point of Logic for his job.

.. Logic done.. now it's time to raise Handiness so we can upgrade some household items.

Eva... guess what Daddy's making??

Oh, yay! She's gorgeous!! She rolled Dog Lover. (Well, guess I know one thing that's happening next generation... lol.. even if the goals are going to be a surprise.. we'll be getting a puppy!)

Eva's new room.

Doing homework while waiting on Reese to get home for her turn at the cake.

.. The marathon of upgrading the household begins.. now that he's set for his next promotion.

Happy Birthday, Reese!

.. Another weird outfit. But she rolled that she wants to be a painter.. so I guess it's .. artistic??

.. Her traits.

Her first action: calling for her rolled job.

Babysitter! Hey, at least that works with her Charisma skill from childhood.

And.... I have more pictures.. but this post is long enough already. So we'll see you next time!

House 008 Chapter 3 < | > House 008 Chapter 5


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April 30, 2019 12:01 PM

Gosh those kids are so cute !

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I am a 45 year old American wife, mother, and gamer. I’ve lived in the Midwest most of my life, and enjoy it for the changing seasons. My favorite movie is Labyrinth, my favorite game is Sims 4, and I have tattoos related to both. My favorite colors are purple, red, and green. When I’m not playing games (which is rare) I also enjoy reading and crafting. I’m also an animal lover, and have had many types of pets over the years. Currently, I have a dog named Cassie who is a Jack Russel / Beagle mix and three young fancy rats (all of whom are rescues). I run this Sims 4 Blog where I post screenshots and stories about the different challenges I play. Also here are the Sims 4 challenges I've written, and a place for me to store all the Sims 4 knowledge I've gotten over the years. I am also a Sims 4/variety streamer on Twitch for my mental health, fun, and to meet new people. I have also recently been accepted to the EA Creator Network, which is a dream come true! I look forward to meeting you!
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