I know I've been gone a long while, but I'm back to playing now. Real life health issues got in the way, and let's be honest, I was a little burned out anyway. I have played a bit since I posted last (played through and finished up the Strangerville aspiration- which was great fun!!, played around with Celebrity in Get Famous, and played some on my Achiever save that I'm not blogging.) .. I just didn't feel like doing anything with the blog. Simply didn't have the mental energy to do it. Things are looking up now, though... and I'm BACK!
So... that being said, the first thing I did was go through my Sims 4 saves and delete the ones I have no intention of playing again.
Then, I delved back into my Ramblers save, and got a bunch more of House 008 played.. and a new chapter published.
Lastly, I took a couple hours and updated my blog with the two neighborhoods (tours and indexes) I was missing for my Townie Rotation. I have not done the Introduction posts for each family yet, that's next on my blog to-do list. Meanwhile, I'm going to play some more. All menus and pages updated with correct links.