So I've built another 5 shells, putting me up to 15 total to decorate. A good number. Decided it was time to take a break from building to furnish some houses and possibly do some actual game play.. so I'll post these five before I dive into the rest of things.
One of my favorite colors is green.. and I've looked at this color window and trim so many times in the past and thought about using it for a house, but never gotten around to it. It's another Victorian shell, and I decided after building it that green flooring on the porches was just too much, so I changed it and took new photos. I'm not sure I like the color on the chimney, so that may change, but other than that it's a nice house.
Designed for a toddler challenge and to highlight the toddler stuff, this is one floor for a reason. With 7 toddlers and one caregiver, it would just be NUTS to try to have stairs, too. So Ranch-style house it is. The backyard is huge to allow for the big toddler jungle gym... which is lots of fun.
Designed for the backyard fun pack, which is nicely colorful, I finally found a house I could use these teal windows on. I haven't 100% decided if I like the siding color.. that may change to be something brighter.. but the house itself is pretty cool. Built in the colonial style with lots of columns. I may add columns and a roof to the front upper balcony to highlight the style a bit more.
Initially I built it and then forgot to take pictures. Had to go back in game and get them. Designed to highlight the Spa Day pack, it's got a huge pool house and pool. This roof was particularly tough to figure out, but it turned out better than I expected. Had to reverse the floor plans to allow for the corner lot, and I like the result, but it made mirroring the picture hard.
This house was really hard to take pictures of on this lot. Too many trees nearby. A fourth picture is added after I put in the greenhouse.
I love these but it's so such a tease I want to see inside too! Lol!
I'm working on it! That's next on my list. 🙂
Really love these !