Back to this family’s Introduction | Week Two coming soon
We start this family just as winter is ending, so the above shot in spring was taken a bit later. I didn't, again, have too much to do to the house to make it livable - just redecorate the second bedroom/workout area/office into a room for Iggy. And, obviously, move the office desk and chair to the main bedroom. Downstairs I added a bar in a redundant seating area.
The new "office" in the master bedroom.Bob starts the week off right - watching cooking training videos before work.
Iggy finds his dollhouse.
While I marvel at the lovely transition EA put in from winter to spring.
Where's Iggy? ... Making a mess. Joy.
Both parents have work, so Iggy is left with the nanny.
The next day is a holiday. Easter, to be specific. Here's Bob searching the grass for easter eggs.
Iggy searches in his bed, and finds nothing, so he heads outside to look for more.
Eliza working on the "Baking" part of the holiday.. she's making sugar cookies.
Iggy.. on the hunt for the elusive eggys.
(I have to interject here, I had the flower bunny tradition selected, but he "never" appeared. So I looked it up and it said to check the neighborhood. Sure enough, there She was throwing confetti on wild plants. We invited her over, and went from there. So moral of the story.. look around she's there.)
Bob meets Bunny. At a safe distance, of course. Wouldn't want to get bunny fur everywhere.
Eliza's Cookies are finally done. They even turned out to be edible.
The conversation with Flower Bunny continues (as in the background, Iggy keeps hunting down more eggs.)
Finally! The highlight of the holiday for any toddler.. meeting the big flower bunny!
.. Turns out the flower bunny knows how to play, too!
And play they do. Lucky Iggy!
..While Bob goes and does his baking for the day. He's making bread sticks.
Eliza chases down the bunny who wandered away to sprinkle more confetti on wild plants in the area.
.. Iggy, on the other hand... wisely chooses now for a nap.
Bob.. you really don't need a drink in the middle of the day.. but.. um.. ok.
After nap, it's bath time.. and I think Bob is getting wetter than Iggy.
Sleepy time, daddy! What a cute picture!
Last minute chores before bed. That potty always needs emptying!
Filling up the new birdfeeder in the morning.
... And watching the birds come for breakfast. (I always forget about this object.. but since they have such a nice backyard and it's spring, I decided it was appropriate for this house.)
In the mail the next morning, is a lovely stuffed animal for Iggy, since the family managed to complete the Easter Eggs collection during their holiday yesterday. (This is the first time I've ever unlocked him, so I clearly had to make him blue and take a photo.)
Iggy, keeping himself occupied while mom and dad get ready for the day.
.. But that doesn't last long.. there goes the dollhouse!
Aren't you proud of yourself now, young man??
Mommy to the rescue!
.. Before she heads off in the rain to work.
See Iggy? It's much more fun if you play with it than when you smash it! I love Bob and Iggy's matching PJs.
Rindle Rose looks so cute in Love Day decor!!
Since it's Love Day, Bob runs out to the local rose bush and picks a few.
.. Awww...
... But perhaps he should have removed the thorns before giving them to Eliza. She almost shoves the rose back in his face.
... Time to read to Iggy. Because the player (me) completely forgot to take time off for Bob to have Love Day with his wife. After visions of ticked-off Eliza dance in my head, I finally send Bob home early and invite her out on a date. I decided skipping love day was definitely the worse of two evils.
And they're off to Chez Llama.
Ordering quickly, they set to talking.
Eliza feels the need to toss some confetti on Bob.. who tries not to mind too much.
(This is a first for me.. I've never noticed a Restaurant Critic at a Restaurant before... kinda cool...)
Experimental dinners are out, and they look all smokey and weird, but both seem to enjoy them with a minimum of pulling faces at it by Bob.
... Apparently Eliza really liked the date. Taking off work was definitely worth it. Being in the dog house over forgetting Love Day is not an option when you have Eliza Pancakes for a wife!
(Bonus: I didn't even realize that was an achievement. Host with the Most, huh? Go me.)
Mommy spends some time with Iggy.
While waiting for the dinner party that Bob had planned for the evening. The couple really needs to get out more, though, since the nanny was the only one who bothered to show up to the party. Somehow, it was still a success.. one more milestone towards Bob's aspiration.
On a side note, Eliza got another milestone done on her aspiration, to, by buying some more paintings for the house.
It's a good time to change houses, now... because he comes summer!
Back to this family’s Introduction | Week Two coming soon
What is Iggy is a premade? If so I wonder what happened to him in my save?
He is actually a gallery pre-made. When the free toddlers update came out, they made a "new" Pancakes family available on the gallery. I merged the two families and kept Iggy with the two original Pancakes, and set the family tree so it was correct. So he's officially from EA, just on the gallery.
Okay I just discovered the gallery thanks for that. Never knew about that before so yeah now I see where you got your frights family and some other characters I didn't recognize!
Most of them are from the MaxisCreator_01 user ID. they're officially released from EA, just on the gallery instead of in the game library. A good portion of them were used in the ad campaigns for the different packs. I decided they counted as EA sims, too, so I added them into my townie rotation. I have a few I haven't added in, I'm saving them for times when a family dies out without an heir or a starter home in the neighborhood opens up. I need to make a page that has all of them on it, too, I just haven't gotten around to it yet. 🙂
That's great thanks for sharing again I had no idea! I think I have enough sims to rotate through as well since I end up playing the randoms that move in and I made a couple. Like you say we can add those later if we need I didn't look through too much because I see many share their sims there it just keeps going!
That's one cute Baby Pancake!
Thanks! I think so, too.