Frights Family Week 1

June 24, 2018

Back to this family’s Introduction | Week Two coming soon

Time for our second family! This family is the officially released Spooky Stuff family, so I stuffed them into the house that was also released on the gallery for the same pack. Before starting this post, I took a couple pictures of how I decorated this house. (For some reason, even though it's an "official" house for the Spooky Stuff pack, it wasn't furnished. The other problem with the house was it was just too small to be livable. I fixed that before moving the family in, expanding all of the rooms while keeping the look of the house. This is also where I apologize for the pictures often looking dark in this house - the candle-type lighting and dark wallpaper makes it always look too dark.)

Upstairs. The upper right room is for Aghostus and Davey, and you can tell who's got the other two rooms.

Downstairs. It's hard to see, but the dining room and kitchen are at the very top of the screen.

Also, everyone got put into their careers.. except I didn't decide right away whether the two Evil children were going to terrorize a scout master, too. Aghostus is a Secret Agent, Davey a Criminal, Joanna aa Entertainer and Gourdon a Painter (just as a reminder).  I did end up putting Bash and Smash into scouts, but it wasn't until around Tuesday.) Also, I had to start out with working on Joanna and Gourdon's relationship, since everyone in the house is technically "room-mates". I did plan a custom Holiday for this week, since Summer doesn't have a default holiday - it was for Water Fun, BarBQues, Fireworks, and Sports TV. I called it "Memorial Day", and set it for that first Monday. I ended up being really happy that you can plan ahead with weather in the calendar, because there were some major storms that could have ruined the holiday.. but I am getting ahead of myself here. ... Welcome to the Frights Family!

After making the decision to raise Bash and Smash together, Joanna and Gourdan spend some more time getting to know each other. Being that Summer just started, it's still cool outside, and the porch seemed like the perfect place to start this conversation.

Upstairs, the twins settled into their new room under the not-so-watchful resident ghosts' eyes. (Being that both of the twins share the "Evil" trait, it's not a surprise that this may be one of the only times you see the dollhouse intact, despite the fact that I always seemed to have the adults in there fixing it..)

Joanna is Good, and Gourdan is Evil. If ever there was an "opposites attract" - this relationship embodies it. (Without me constantly watching and cancelling naughty interactions, Gourdan would have quickly sunk the entire relationship idea rather quickly.)

And there goes the dollhouse...

Aghostus quickly rounds up his charges and herds them into his dollhouse-less room and sets them both to doing their homework. Perhaps that will keep them out of trouble?

Finally, Gourdan and Joanna manage to get a strong enough footing in their relationship to be considered friends.. maybe there could be more there?

A first kiss is accepted - although Joanna seems to be thoroughly surprised by it.

Finally. A proposal.

... Accepted!

The next morning dawns bright and sunny for the planned family holiday, and everyone has off of work and school so they can spend all day celebrating. Smash and Bash start the whole thing out by using the water balloon bucket out by the "park" area in the neighborhood to start a rousing game of water balloon tag. This shot missed!

.. But this one certainly didn't. It left a mark and a moodlet for getting smacked in the face with a water balloon. Ow!

The kids were "called" home with some fireworks being set off behind the house. (...and it wasn't until I took the screenshot that I noticed this one is a plumbob!)

What a fun way to celebrate the day!

The kids each got a few sparklers, since they're too young to set off fireworks on their own, and the family ghost watches while they play with them.

...Perhaps Bash is trying to be a fairy?

After all the fun with fireworks, the kids leave Gourdan to clean up, and quickly change into swimsuits to check out the new yard slide. Davey soon joins in on the fun, after finding that Gourdan hits too hard with water balloons for that activity to be fun.

Oops. A little more slip than slide that time, Bash.

Even Aghostus gets in on the fun after doing his research for work the next day. He's always so careful to have things done ahead of time, and is always seen picking up things around the house.

A family BarBQue meal. Peppers and Sausages.. sounds tasty. Aghostus is embarrassed because he messed up his trick slide outside. HAHA. Poor guy.

Davey tries his hand at the grill, and gets his Tradition Completed for the holiday. (I decide after this that perhaps having ALL the adults make their own grilled food may be tempting the SimGods too much .. I don't want anyone on fire in only their second day!)

To keep Davey occupied, and start working on his Public Enemy aspiration, we find him someone to argue with. Turns out she's an alien. (Looks close - she's glowing) He not only gets angry at her for deceiving him with her disguise....

... But then he also loses the fight. Poor Davey. 🙁

The twins keep out of trouble for a while doing their homework, but before long, a call comes in from the principal.

... And poor Bash is in trouble. Despite the fact he did his homework diligently.

No matter what Davey does he can't get this alien chick to despise him. I guess We'll have to find another one to pester.

Gourdan works diligently on his painting skill. The outside upstairs deck becomes the perfect place to paint. Nobody even to bother him out there.

Bash's first Scouting badge. Hooray!

And there's the Cheer that I missed on Bash. Smash got her badge, too. (I just happened to be a better photographer the second time around.)

.... Maybe that back deck for painting isn't such a good idea.

Lightning strike! (I'll have you know it took me four times to get this shot just right. But it sure turned out spectacular! Also Of Note.. here is when I had to switch to playing sims on headset. The dog thought the thunder was real and started having her usual storm panic attack. She calmed back down when I put the headset on, but, still, it was kinda funny. Poor baby hates storms and thought sims ones were real!)

This is what the ground looks like after a lightning strike.

In her hurry to get in from the rain, Joanna falls unceremoniously into the mud by a park bench. It's gotta be those heels, girl. Can't you wear anything more appropriate for a thunderstorm?

Oh no! Run, you'll get wet! (She did)

The whole house is surrounded by puddles.. and Evil kids love puddles... but with all this storming I made them stay inside and do other things. I need no crispy sims.

Aghostus watches the weather channel. More storms for tomorrow. Then two days of heat wave. Fun week.

He gives up on going outside, buys a thermostat for the house, and carves a new pumpkin for outside the front door.

Meeee-Yow. 🙂 Well done, Aghostus!

Gourdan is now working on getting three emotional paintings done.. and keeps getting out of the mood before he can paint the next one.

The comforting light of a pumpkin to welcome you home, there, Bash.

Our solution to the mood problem... make him drink a flirty potion for his last emotional painting. Hey, it worked.

Bash has taken over the computer to work on his typing program.

But soon gives up and joins the family for the premier of "Peach is The New Orange" (I did not make this up... this is a random holiday and this is what it gave them to do...) So as to avoid spoilers, all family members set aside some time that day to watch the premiere.. and the conversations even revolve around what everyone thought about it. The pumpkin looks like it's having the most fun, in my opinion.

There's so much going on in this picture I'm not sure where to start.. haha. Aghostus is heading to get tricked by the trick or treat bucket. Davey is carving another new jack-o-lantern for the front door, and the twins are discussing scouts the next day. Lastly, the twin on the left has spots.. and needs to go drink some orange juice STAT!

Aghostus bemoaning the broken appliances. He swears they're not him, that he only haunts things nicely... but the family is starting to wonder with the amount of things broken on a daily basis.

... Ok so he broke this one, but Joanna asked him to. She needed to repair an object for her nerd brain aspiration, so Aghostus broke a toilet. ONE toilet.

The new Monkey Bars are coming in handy for the twins working on their Rambunctious scamp aspiration.

... While Aghostus feels so bad about breaking that one toilet that he starts obsessively cleaning everything in sight.

Joanna is working on the brand new woodworking bench, and the twins are back on the Monkey Bars. Hey, it keeps them mostly out of trouble.

Another toilet to fix. Wonder how that happened.

Aghostus is livid... He swears this bathroom was NOT his fault. But it's hard to believe, isn't it?  *wink*

... OK.. so one is making a mess, the other cleaning it up. I guess that's one way to work on a badge, kids.

And... BEST FRIENDS! .. and part of a badge floating away there in the wind.

And we leave you with this... more plumbing repair. Poor Joanna. She'll be at this forever in this house!

Saturday night passes by uneventfully and soon it's 6 AM.. Time to save, write up a post and go to bed. The Goths family starts tomorrow!

Bonus: Apparently Lightning strikes can leave behind elemental collection boxes. (Circled below in red - in the aftermath of a lightning strike). This one netted the family 175 simoloens! You just have to be the first sim to go up and "Claim" it.

Back to this family’s Introduction | Week Two coming soon


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June 24, 2018 12:22 PM

Oh , I learned lots about Seasons ! Thanks !

June 24, 2018 1:46 PM
Reply to  cathytea

I'm LOVING this expansion. It adds so much to the game. I'm glad you're learning stuff as I blog along!

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I am a 45 year old American wife, mother, and gamer. I’ve lived in the Midwest most of my life, and enjoy it for the changing seasons. My favorite movie is Labyrinth, my favorite game is Sims 4, and I have tattoos related to both. My favorite colors are purple, red, and green. When I’m not playing games (which is rare) I also enjoy reading and crafting. I’m also an animal lover, and have had many types of pets over the years. Currently, I have a dog named Cassie who is a Jack Russel / Beagle mix and three young fancy rats (all of whom are rescues). I run this Sims 4 Blog where I post screenshots and stories about the different challenges I play. Also here are the Sims 4 challenges I've written, and a place for me to store all the Sims 4 knowledge I've gotten over the years. I am also a Sims 4/variety streamer on Twitch for my mental health, fun, and to meet new people. I have also recently been accepted to the EA Creator Network, which is a dream come true! I look forward to meeting you!
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