With Seasons coming out and all the fun holidays we're going to have, I decided it's high time for me to re-start my Townie Rotation. I had one going when Sims 4 first came out, but I added too many sims and got bogged down. Then, when I tried to go back to it, I discovered I remembered little to nothing from each family. So this time, I'm blogging it. Whether anyone reads it or not is another question.. I'm doing it mostly for myself - as a reference should I ever have to take another break from sims.. so I can come back at any time and know what was going on.
I am currently setting up the pages for Lot information and the Family Indexes (Treat these like a table of contents) for each neighborhood. Three done, 5 to go. I plan on starting play either June 22 or 23rd (right after seasons launches). For more information, see the > Main Page < for my Townie Rotation.
Other than that, I also am hoping to have Switch Five out prior to the seasons launch date, and perhaps Switch Six (the last one) as well. That way I can concentrate on other things. I also have finally decided (I think) not to restart my current Drifter save, the Ramblers, in favor of just keeping going. To that extent, I'm going to try to have the current house (006) done and published by the time seasons hits.
In other words, I have lots to do and under two weeks in which to do it.
Good luck! 🙂