Drifter Challenge House 005 Chapter 4

House 005 Chapter 3 < | > House 005 Chapter 5

Checking up on goals:

House 005 Building Goals:
100,000 value home (3 bedroom, 2 bath min)
(Currently at around 80k)
House 005 Generational Goals:
One sim to Level 10 Master of the Real painter career
One sim to Level 10 Patron of the Arts painter career
(lvl 9 currently for both)
One sim to level 5 Photography (Level 2 currently)
Photography Treasure Hunt (Complete)
Young adult heir (child age now)


I'm not sure when this check was done exactly, so we'll stick it here... (this is a longish post, so lots of pictures incoming!!)

And we start this chapter up with nooboos!! (since I left you hanging while Lacee was in labor and Justice had just died..)


Welcome Melany!


And shortly afterward.. Welcome Trace, a non blue baby boy. Doesn't it just figure! Sorry, Trace, you missed out on being the heir!


With Justice being gone, it's nice that Brayan seems to really enjoy stepping in to help out with Trace.

Lacee working on her photography skill: (I couldn't pick just one photo of Mika and Taylor.. they are so destined for each other!)

10-13-16_6-31-50-pm 10-13-16_6-32-27-pm 10-13-16_6-32-59-pm

Love that last shot. Hehe @ Mika's face.


A shot of Lacee with the ever-present nanny. She's been such a lifesaver while Lacee is busy working on her photography. (She's now at level 3)

Oh... and.. drumroll...



Yay Kayla!


Look who's back!? .. And apparently angry for some reason.


.. And as we all know.. Angry ghosts are NEVER good. He spent quite a while breaking everything in sight..


Then went to the backyard and haunted his own gravestone..


...And mourning himself. Repeatedly. It was really quite funny. My husband's comment was that I had a narcissist ghost.


Brayan's new favorite place.. the new computer in Kayla's house's living room.


Happy birthday Brayan!



Finally Lacee catches up.


There's little Trace all grown up and looking cute. (How I managed to miss photographing Melany until later, I'm not sure.. I apologize, but you'll have to wait a few photos for her.)


Mika and her little brother.. guys WHY must you be cute in the hardest room to photograph??


...There that's better. A good shot of cuteness as well as the new living room.

With the house mostly furnished now (All six bedrooms and 6,5 bathrooms, plus the other rooms..


It should end up being more than that because I'm adding to it as I go.


Mika is so good at doing her homework.. despite being a creative sim.


Taylor.. not as much.. despite the fact that he's a genius. He just takes longer to get it done.


Mika and her little brother, Trace.


Taylor finally does his homework, prompting Trace to do his, too.


Taylor really likes playing chess, I see.. and I'm working on logic again on Kayla, simply because she doesn't have anything else that needs doing.. we're not hurting for money, that's for sure.


Finally! The promised picture of Melany, with her older brother, Taylor. She's a cutie.. but probably relegated to keeping this house full instead of helping on the next house.. but we will see.

And now, a group of photos from another run at photography.. I picked out some of the best ones for here (and deleted lots of other ones).


A shot of the other house in the neighborhood, an earlier Drifter house. (house 3)


The view from the front door of the house


Taylor chasing after his mom to see what she's doing.. a neat shot of the doors opening up into the studio.


A shot of the house from street level.. you can also see a bit of the landscaping I've added.


More landscaping.. this time out back.


Way to go, Lacee! That's the last goal other than the young adult heir.. and we're working on that. Yet again, I'm left with all these empty days while waiting for the heir. .. but then, it's better than running out of time!


An aerial shot of the back yard now that I've added landscaping and a gazebo. Better shot of it from ground level later...


Melany playing chess with Kayla. Jumping in on Kayla's games seems to be a household favorite thing to do. I don't mind as it means she can chat while skilling!


The boys watching TV..


...While Brayan leaves his favorite spot long enough for Mika to get in a couple games of Blicblock.


.. Can you tell I just love this kitchen?


Mika and Melany outside on the new monkey bars. Glad they finally found it!


Taylor finally found one of the many desks in the house.. it's not his.. but at least it's a desk! (Point of fact.. it's Mika's.)


Melany, on the other hand, finds her own desk. Good job! (I think she's just trying to win brownie points with me to try to get invited to the next house.. lol)


Brayan FINALLY finds the workout machine I bought just for him.. but he doesn't play long before ...


... he's back to cleaning house. For a non-neat sim, he sure spends a lot of time cleaning.


What's that weird outfit mean?... Mika got an A at school!! Way to go, Mika!


Kayla's sick.. and spotty. So I buy her medicine (that supposedly helps.)


Glitchy photo to remind me that Lacee and Brayan were trying for a nooboo. I decided to try to get her pregnant one more time to hopefully let her stick around longer for while Mika is growing up.


... Because this is happening. Dear Kayla is now an elder, before even Mika is a teenager. (Dum-dum-dum.. yep that means Mika will have some days alone without Kayla before being able to take over the family.)


A nice shot of Trace's room. The kids rooms, I confess, are just the EA standard rooms with some tweaks. I was running out of ideas, and since I don't have the Kid's stuff pack yet, decorating for kids and teens is terribly boring!


Taylor playing dolls with his little sister, Melany.


And yep.. that's a baby bump! Nooboo sighting confirmed. *wink*


.. Justice visiting again. He was apparently embarrassed, so he was in Trace's bed hiding.


Kayla's cooking.. again. These days she always seems to be cooking..




Why did I take a picture of Lacee and Brayan on the front doorstep?


.. Because Lacee just got a raise! Way to go Lacee!


And Mika's now a teen! Isn't she gorgeous? She reminds me very much of her mom.. but has a different chin (I think)


..See? .. Maybe I'm just hoping she's not a complete clone like I think she is. Oh yeah.. and Kayla is sick.. AGAIN. She just can't seem to get over this cold. (Although if I had spots like that I certainly wouldn't be just calling it a "cold" like the game does.. lol)


And Taylor's turn...


... I see.. you're the dark, brooding, handsome type. Definitely genetic potential there, though!


.. The promised Gazebo picture..


..Times two.

Now, before we wrap up this post.. some pictures of the upstairs photo studio.

10-14-16_12-18-37-am 10-14-16_12-18-58-am 10-14-16_12-19-14-am

I like the way it turned out. Checking on our house value shows it up around the 200k mark.. which I'm not entirely surprised at because it is, in effect, two full houses plus the studio. I'm just glad money was coming in fast enough to get it done. In fact, my concerns about money are so trivial I would probably have had enough to furnish the three story idea this house originally was.. which I find funny.

House 005 Chapter 3 < | > House 005 Chapter 5


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December 12, 2016 1:30 AM

All of the kids are adorable!! Man, you make some expensive houses lol!

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I am a 45 year old American wife, mother, and gamer. I’ve lived in the Midwest most of my life, and enjoy it for the changing seasons. My favorite movie is Labyrinth, my favorite game is Sims 4, and I have tattoos related to both. My favorite colors are purple, red, and green. When I’m not playing games (which is rare) I also enjoy reading and crafting. I’m also an animal lover, and have had many types of pets over the years. Currently, I have a dog named Cassie who is a Jack Russel / Beagle mix and three young fancy rats (all of whom are rescues). I run this Sims 4 Blog where I post screenshots and stories about the different challenges I play. Also here are the Sims 4 challenges I've written, and a place for me to store all the Sims 4 knowledge I've gotten over the years. I am also a Sims 4/variety streamer on Twitch for my mental health, fun, and to meet new people. I have also recently been accepted to the EA Creator Network, which is a dream come true! I look forward to meeting you!
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