Life has been sort of up and down since fall when my mother passed on, so I've spent a lot of time doing whatever I could to distract myself. Concrete in game goals became a thing of the past. That doesn't mean I didn't still have them! 🙂
While waiting for Island Paradise to come out, I spent a good amount of time trying to work on achievements I'm missing in Sims 3 (which is a LOT - 170 to go without counting the island paradise ones!!) .. and I also worked some more on my Sunset Valley update build ("Project 2"). Of course, that got de-railed when Dragon Valley came out because... duh.. it's dragons. And Celtic stuff. And vaguely midieval ... so yeah, I was all over working on builds and updates for that... which wasn't in my gameplan. Then, I had spent hours upon hours one day on working on my "Project 1" - the catalog organization, and about half of it didn't get saved when my game crashed suddenly .. (yea yea once again, guess who forgot to save..) So, I haven't worked on that project since .. and every time I work on a build, I hate fishing around for the sets I need .. catch-22. Don't want to take the time to organize, but it takes more time to build because I didn't. 🙂 .. haha, go figure.
Anyway, now that Island Paradise is out, I'm taking some time to play around with the new in-game stuff, then I'm buckling down and finishing my Sunset Valley build updates and publishing them. I'm so very close to being ready on this, it's ridiculous to keep putting it off. That, and I'm tired of my timeless fishing for items in an uncoordinated catalog. Then, and only then, will I allow myself to dive back into my challenge play. Distractions bad! .. (or something)
Hey there. I dropped you a friend invite on I'm Echowever (which is a misspelling of Echoweaver -- EA doesn't respond to requests to change your username, sadly). Just so you know who the weirdo is.