Sorry I've been completely absent for so long.. interest in playing Sims sorta waned for a while, plus real life gets so inconveniently in the way sometimes. Hehe... 🙂 Summer is always such a busy time for my family, it's easy to get caught up in other stuff. Been busily playing Diablo 3 lately - which is a ton of fun.. among other games. Finally back to playing Sims, though, and picking up some new challenges / working on old ideas that I'm finally getting around to trying out. Should be fun. I'll be getting back to Falconvale soon - my first priority there is trying to catch the story up to where my playtime is at - I got way ahead of my writing, I'm afraid. In the meantime, I found and started a new challenge - ISBI (I'm Surrounded By Idiots) - .. which has been eye-opening at the very least. I've been learning all sorts of things about building houses to avoid sim-ish traffic jams, and that keeping items in the house simple helps the AI point sims in the directions you'd like to go... sometimes.